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Southern X's

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Elite Explorer Babe
July 2, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Decatur, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Sport
Where's all my southern peeps at? :) I was wondering if there was a club or anything for us....if not should be! ;)

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no, no clubs down here... but theres definatly some southern x's

You know me. There are three 3 of us in Alabama right now that I know of. HummerEx, not sure what his screen name is on here, Im'd me the other day he is from T-town. I wanna see a pic of your X. Here is mine:

ah no clubs eh, well we need to start one dang it! :D
there's my X....

You can always ride with the crew from Florida!

BTW - Where is AL is Decatur?


I'll be moving back down south in April. I am currently in the Military stationed at Ft. Knox, but my term is up in April and i'll be moving back home to Biloxi, MS, untill i can get back on my feet. But i will never again leave the south

Decatur is in Northern AL....about 30mins from Huntsville and 1hr from B'ham.

I'm in Atlanta. I'd be up for joining any southern clubs you guys get started!

Im game!! heres mine: Dead Link Removed

Quite a few of us down here in Texas. We try to get together in Houston 2 or 3 times a year, and Demon4x4 is a fairly hardcore wheelin' club. There are a few annual runs across the state, and we try to see each other whenever possible.

The more I think about this, the more I like the idea. How hard would it be to form a Southern Explorers club? Technically I'm not allowed in the ECX, so I'd be happy to form another club.

How much work, and what exactly is involved in forming a club?

I really want to do this.

I am in the ECX and love the South, does that count? Anyways, here is my Ex, covered in Mountainous Virginia Mud.

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I am in Atlanta for home and Statesboro for school. I would be intersted in starting a club and gettin together whenever yall want to.

Here is my X


southern ex's

I'm sure I wouldn't be the only Tennessean to join a southern ex club, I have seen others on this board.

Alright, I'm going to try to start a Southern Explorer club sometime soon. I really want to. I'll keep you all posted.

You can't get any further south than Florida!

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nice X's guys! I'm glad to see the good responce to my idea bout this...lets do this! :) I'm game for doing stuff to make this work

I dunno what would the Southern Explorers CLub be called? S*E*X i aws thinking of that and i was like hmm southern Explorers.....SE% then the letters dawned on me, NO! hahaha maybe SEC

Originally posted by Yomie
I dunno what would the Southern Explorers CLub be called? S*E*X i aws thinking of that and i was like hmm southern Explorers.....SE% then the letters dawned on me, NO! hahaha maybe SEC

hehe, c'mon, sex would be a great name :D How about SXC? It's kinda like sexy (get it, sex-c :D )

People might think you're a part of the Southeastern Conference with SEC (good ol' college sports)

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ahh SXC is good! i like that one! we should use that name!

Souther Xplorer Club!

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