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Spark plugs on 1999 explorer sport


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July 10, 2007
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1999 Explorer sport

I have a 1999 Exlorer Sport SOHC 6 cylinder 4 wheel drive

How do I "get to" the back TWO spark plugs on the passenger side??

I think I had an answer on here once but "lost" it.

Let me know if a special tool is required also.



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Take off the inner fender on the passenger side and they are all easy to access. No special tool required.

i do the back ones from underneath with a ratchet,
it makes it easier,,

no i do not,, i jack it up put the stand on the frame let the wheel hang,,
that will give you plenty of room,,

Take off the inner fender on the passenger side and they are all easy to access. No special tool required.

Does the same (easier to access plugs w/ inner fender well shroud removed) apply to a 1996 OHV 4.0?

Thanks! :help:

I have never seen the ohv engine but I'm pretty sure it would. That inner fender is really easy to take off, there is some screws and some stupid plastic rivet things which pull right out and then you have a decent amount of space to work in.

on all v6, and v8 motors, going threw the wheel well, and taking the rubber splash guard off apply. i guess you could leave the wheel on, like corkey said, but i have always taken them off. just did the plugs and wires on my v8 for the first time (had a sohc, but have done ohv motors before) and it went very smooth.
