Spark Plugs.. what is right for me?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spark Plugs.. what is right for me??


Active Member
January 24, 2001
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City, State
Madison, Connecticut and Castleton, Vermont
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer XLT
Hey everyone, Ive got a 97 SOHC and i was wondering what spark plugs i should use when i do my spring tune up. I have about 56K on the X and, having bought it used, though it was time to replace the wires and plugs. What works best?? And one other thing, what is the best way to gain access to the spark plugs on the passenger side?? They are harder than my old 91 OHV thats for sure.

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Stick with Motorcraft Platinum plugs.

To reach the plugs jack up the truck, remove the tire and go through the wheel well.

Yup, use Motorcraft double plat plugs and Motorcraft wires.

Listen to these guys!

I mistakenly didn't get platinum and will have the pleasure of changint them again after about 30K miles. I believe platinum last about 50K if not more.

**Also, I know that Motorcraft is sometimes hard to find. I used NAPA wires, they were the closest I could find to the OEM with the clip on the Distributor end. Had them on for about 3 months and runs like a champ.

my ex runs fine on the bosch platinums that I got, not the +2 +4 crap, just the regulars.

Either Motercraft or Bosch plat.

Im not sure which i prefer, but both seem very good plugs.

I use and recommend Motorcraft Double Platinum plugs.

There are many good wires; I use Jacobs.

Motorcraft doubl. plat & Auto Zone wires.
On mine one cyl. bank fires from the electrode and the other bank fires to the electrode. Hence the doubl. plat. Not sure if yours is like that also.
AZ wires cause they are guaranteed for life & I have gotten a replacement set w/no problems. I dont feel the X is exotic enough for the high priced wires.

I use Motorcraft Platinum, something like AWSF-PP

Is this the same as Motorcraft Double Platinum?

Yes it is. The P in PP stands for platinum. PP=Px2, hence double platinum. :)

do you take the tire off on a 92 to get to them to i am about to change um this weekend


Since you have a lift it's hard for me to say if you need to remove the tire to get to the pass-side rear plug. If you got decent clearance you shouldn't need to.

You need a swivel spark plug socket and extensions.
I'm so dam good at changing plugs on my truck that I can do it in 15 minutes now.

My trick is to put the swivel socket onto the rear pass side plug with my left hand, by reaching through the wheel well. Then, I put together two long extensions, enough to reach up through the engine bay. Then holding the spark plug socket on the plug with my left hand, I fish the extension down thru with my right hand, and guide the extension into the socket. Works every time.

you could just try jacking the frame up, until there's no more down-travel on that side.. should give plenty of clearance.
That's what I did replacing my plug wires.. when I first changed my plugs, I removed the tires, but found jacking the frame up to be just as sufficient


Ok well it looks like i will get the Motorcraft Double Plats. Looks like a good deal from what ive seen. Thanks guys, and one other question, does anyone know if Ford Racing makes wires for this application??

correct me if i'm wrong but are motorcraft plugs the same thing as Autolite plugs?


I think that the Motorcraft plugs are the same as Autolite, i know you can get em at walmart or some other place like that. I am pretty sure at least.

I don't think Autolite plugs are exactly the same as Motorcraft plugs. They are very similar. However, the Motorcraft plugs have a longer screw-in surface. If you put an Autolite Explorer 4.0 OHV plug next to a Motorcraft Explorer 4.0 OHV plug (AWSF-PP) side-to-side, they look different. I'd say the heat ranges are probably pretty close to the same though.
