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Spark Plugs


November 8, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Harrisburg Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1985 and 86 Rangers
I have an 1985 Ford Ranger V6. I am trying to get it running and I been told that Autolite Spark plugs are absolutly horrible is this true? I put some in about 6 months ago and was driving the truck untill recently. Are these plugs really this bad that they would be a problem after so little time?

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I have an 1985 Ford Ranger V6. I am trying to get it running and I been told that Autolite Spark plugs are absolutly horrible is this true? I put some in about 6 months ago and was driving the truck untill recently. Are these plugs really this bad that they would be a problem after so little time?

Autolite/Motorcraft are the best possible spark plugs for your truck.

Two parts of the story are missing...

I have an 1985 Ford Ranger V6. I am trying to get it running and I been told that Autolite Spark plugs are absolutly horrible is this true? I put some in about 6 months ago and was driving the truck untill recently. Are these plugs really this bad that they would be a problem after so little time?

You were driving until recently? What are you saying, that the vehicle stopped running and someone said it was the plugs?

Why were the spark plugs fingered as the responsible parties after 6 months?

I too have said shiny double platinum thanks to ^^ and my Ex has never run this smoothly. So what's the story with your vehicle? How many miles, what other recent work or maint have you done or not done? Thanks!

My ranger does not have the original engine in it. This newer one is still a standard V6 Ranger engine wih roughly 80,000 miles on it. When i got the truck The first thing i did was replace spark plugs because it had been sitting for years. That was about 6 or 7 months ago.The truck is not in very good condition however. I was driving it untill about 2 months ago it just decided not to start one morning. It would turn over but would not fire up. I went with electrical and replaced a bad coil pack, distributer cap and rotor, and module in it within the last 2 months. Still no start. I asked a friend in a shop what my options were and he said that Autolite spark plugs were weak?

i have been told by two different mechanics that autolites are pathetic. This true?

No sir, you are being lied to. Tell those mechanics to drag their @sses to this forum and discuss their issues with Autolite. Or provide you with more than words, where is their proof that these plugs are so terrible? And what plugs to they run, Bosch?

alright. I thought it seemed rediculous that the reason my truck stopped running was 6 month old spark plugs. Thanks for the help. I'm eliminating the option that the truck isnt running because of the spark plugs.

I have never seen a vehicle quit running because of bad spark plugs! Yes I have seen plugs fail, but NEVER have I seen more than one plug fail at a time.

Have you tested for spark at the plugs? Fuel?

As for brands of plugs, I have seen failures from every manufacturer. The most common is Bosch and I wouldn't even recomend putting them in your lawn mower. When it comes time to replace plugs in any vehicle you should always use the factory recomended plug manufacturer (Autolight/Motorcraft for Ford). Also, your Ranger had regular plugs NOT platinum and it is not recomended to run them as they put a greater tax on the ignition system which is known to excellerate wear on the entire ignition system.

Thanks for all the help. I am getting fuel, and I just checked for spark and I have spark. So obviously my AUTOLITE plugs are fine. I checked Compression and it is reasonable. Each Cylinder is between 110 and 120. I'm lost on this truck. I have fuel, Spark and Compression. The The only thing I could think of is maybe i jumped a tooth on the timing chain? Any thoughts?

1985 V6 Carbuerated. Holly Carb, 5 speed

Have you cleaned all the systems and changed all fluids? Not that I know anything really about mechanics, but some basics. If it's inexpensive and can be changed, go for it! Fuses, fluids, filters, wires, cables, belts, hoses... anything like that. And a good battery.

Have you cleaned all the systems and changed all fluids? Not that I know anything really about mechanics, but some basics. If it's inexpensive and can be changed, go for it! Fuses, fluids, filters, wires, cables, belts, hoses... anything like that. And a good battery.

Why would one change a fuse ( unless it was blown )? What wires and cables?

That's what I was telling him, just basics... whatever changes can be made, just go for it... so his vehicle can get running again. Just a complete overhaul of any small, inexpensive removable parts, any fluids. For the record, I don't appreciate being followed up on regarding trivial issues... If this man's vehicle can get running by doing anything up there, he should do it.

And you and I sir, are going to have a major issue with you pointing out things that I say for no reason other than to point out that you know about vehicles... If there is something you would like to say, please, by all means get it off your chest.

That's what I was telling him, just basics... whatever changes can be made, just go for it... so his vehicle can get running again. Just a complete overhaul of any small, inexpensive removable parts, any fluids. For the record, I don't appreciate being followed up on regarding trivial issues... If this man's vehicle can get running by doing anything up there, he should do it.

And you and I sir, are going to have a major issue with you pointing out things that I say for no reason other than to point out that you know about vehicles... If there is something you would like to say, please, by all means get it off your chest.

You seem like a person who truly wants to help someone, and I applaud you for that attitude. However, when you really don't understand mechanics or have actually performed the task in question, it would better serve the person by not saying things like change fuses, etc.

Inaccurate advise is worse than no advise, There are many one this board with vast automotive knowledge and offer truly helpful suggestions.

And, by the way, you have a very nice looking truck.

Thank you for the compliment... However, the poster is well aware that I was speaking in generalities. He is quite familiar with his vehicle and knows what I was referring to. There was nothing inaccurate in anything that was said to the poster... And for the record, post number 4 is what opened up this conversation regarding the issues... this would be considered helpful.

jerry, jerry, jerry. Im just kiding that was inappropriate. But I still am stuck on this truck. But i do know that the fluids are relatively new, and I'm going to try to retard the timing to see if I jumped a tooth.

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have fun!

I hope you get your vehicle running soon... :thumbsup:
