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spark plugs


Well-Known Member
February 14, 2009
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Twentynine Palms, CA
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2002 Explorer XLS 5spd
what are some of the best spark plugs out there? and ignition wires.

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Motorcraft or Autolite. Thats what's been recommended for the last 19 years of the Explorer.

No matter what, it comes down to a few basic things. How much voltage is reaching the plugs, Ohms, electromagnetic interference and can it withstand high heat environment.
I've used the MSD 8.5 mm wires for years. They are a larger diameter then most and I had to use larger wire diameter holders to organize them. And on my B2 that has un-insulated headers sometimes the spark plug boot was even laying up against the header with no apparent damage.
In one foot of the wire there is around 40 to 50 feet of copper helical wound copper conductor. Read the specs below and pay attention to the Ohm rating.
One other thing, I've done a resistance reading on the different lengths of wires and there still with in range of specs after a few years.
Spark plug wire is often overlooked, but is one of the most important pieces you can get. No matter which wire set you buy, check out the specs first.



sweet thanks guys :D

i run bosh platinum irridium plugs-$9.95 each with 8mm taylor spiro pro wires.works and runs great!

i run bosh platinum irridium plugs-$9.95 each with 8mm taylor spiro pro wires.works and runs great!

LOL give it some time, you'll be back to Motorcraft/Autolite in a few months...

Tried bosch, they lasted about 3 months and then ran like crap, it was just a huge waste of money. So now I buy the "cheap" plugs and everything has been great for over two years.

LOL give it some time, you'll be back to Motorcraft/Autolite in a few months...

Tried bosch, they lasted about 3 months and then ran like crap, it was just a huge waste of money. So now I buy the "cheap" plugs and everything has been great for over two years.

well i put the plugs and wires on about 34-35,000 miles ago. i keep hearing bad things about bosh. why are they bad at $10 a plug? i mean people say there just not good with fords. im not saying any one is a lier. i just can't see how a $10 plug can be so bad. my truck runs fine with them. except i get the p0171, and p0174 bank 1 & 2 lean. but i doubt it's from the plugs.

not sure how you can say the plugs are working well if your truck is throwing codes. That means your engine is not running properly to begin with. If the cost of the plug was a direct measure of it's quality then everyone would be running those super duper double v grove ultra spark barn burners for 15 bucks a plug.

for both 171 and 174 I would

1) check fuel pressure, your psi could be low
2) look for vacuum leaks
3) replace the fuel filter
4) clean the MAF

a single electrode platinum point will out preform any double, triple,quad v-grove or any other fancy stuff you find out there. everything else shrouds the flame front and could cause alot of unburnt fuel in your cats.

not sure how you can say the plugs are working well if your truck is throwing codes. That means your engine is not running properly to begin with. If the cost of the plug was a direct measure of it's quality then everyone would be running those super duper double v grove ultra spark barn burners for 15 bucks a plug.

for both 171 and 174 I would

1) check fuel pressure, your psi could be low
2) look for vacuum leaks
3) replace the fuel filter
4) clean the MAF

well, i put a new fual filter on a couple months ago. i checked vacum leaks and i clean the maf about every month. i think it could be the upper manifold gasket. i even sprayed around the intake manifold with the truck running, and the idle didn't change. i only get the codes sometime. mostly when its cold.

a single electrode platinum point will out preform any double, triple,quad v-grove or any other fancy stuff you find out there. everything else shrouds the flame front and could cause alot of unburnt fuel in your cats.

like i said, im not saying every one is lieing. but what i don't understand is why do they make these double, triple platinum irridium plugs that cost $7 and up each? i mean they gotta be some what good. i saw these one plugs(can't remember the name) but they cost $25 each. im not saying the motorcraft and autolit plugs are no good. its just you would think these advanced expensive plugs would out perform the others.

a single electrode platinum point will out preform any double, triple,quad v-grove or any other fancy stuff you find out there. everything else shrouds the flame front and could cause alot of unburnt fuel in your cats.

Interesting you said that. I've gone through every electrode configuration known to man. It's the single that has worked for me. At least in my high compression 302. It just keeps running so smooth for such a longer time compared to all the other hyped up plugs.
Even Edelbrock who make my high comp. heads recommends just a single Autolite electrode and these heads are not cheap.
About those codes, I do not remember which code kept popping up, but to solve the problem all I did was to loosen the gas cap. Could that problem been one of those code numbers? But the X is now long gone.

like i said, im not saying every one is lieing. but what i don't understand is why do they make these double, triple platinum irridium plugs that cost $7 and up each? i mean they gotta be some what good. i saw these one plugs(can't remember the name) but they cost $25 each. im not saying the motorcraft and autolit plugs are no good. its just you would think these advanced expensive plugs would out perform the others.

I guess you think slick 50 is a miracle cure as well? At $25 dollars a bottle it must be awesome.

It goes like this

Marketing hype + High Cost = Buyer confidence (it must be good)

I could list 20 products that all use the same tactic to sell. All you need is to have a race car driver endorse the product. I'm not trying to be difficult or make you look stupid. Believe me we have all been there, because seeing is believing. All I am saying is don't buy into the marketing hype.

You may also have clogged injectors causing the pulse width to be shortened which will cause less fuel/ lean condition. Or maybe you have a dead spot in your TPS, or a bad Temp Sensor. Actually there could be a lot of factors that will swing you to the lean side.

Exactly- just because a plug is $10 doesn't mean it's good. Will it work initially? Probably. Will it last as long as a stock replacement Motorcraft? Probably not.

It's just an overwhelming majority of people that have had plug problems have been running Bosch plugs. Not to say either- that a lot of people may be running them that have no issue with them- so they probably don't post on the EF. But, the vast majority of plug issues seem to be with Bosch plugs, that's all.

I just don't know of anyone that has posted a "damn I wish I hadn't put these damn Motorcraft plugs in, what a waste of money..."

I guess you think slick 50 is a miracle cure as well? At $25 dollars a bottle it must be awesome.

It goes like this

Marketing hype + High Cost = Buyer confidence (it must be good)

I could list 20 products that all use the same tactic to sell. All you need is to have a race car driver endorse the product. I'm not trying to be difficult or make you look stupid. Believe me we have all been there, because seeing is believing. All I am saying is don't buy into the marketing hype.

You may also have clogged injectors causing the pulse width to be shortened which will cause less fuel/ lean condition. Or maybe you have a dead spot in your TPS, or a bad Temp Sensor. Actually there could be a lot of factors that will swing you to the lean side.

yea i know theres a lot of stuff that looks and sounds good and cost a lot and really isn't no different than something a quarter its cost. but i believe some of that stuff is good, and worth the money. i run lucas fuel injector cleaner every 2 weeks when i put gas in. it could be the tps. i know i adjusted it to get that .96volts a while back. them codes have not came on in a long time now that i think about it. when i get my income tax, im going to try and take care of some things that are wrong with the ex.

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Exactly- just because a plug is $10 doesn't mean it's good. Will it work initially? Probably. Will it last as long as a stock replacement Motorcraft? Probably not.

It's just an overwhelming majority of people that have had plug problems have been running Bosch plugs. Not to say either- that a lot of people may be running them that have no issue with them- so they probably don't post on the EF. But, the vast majority of plug issues seem to be with Bosch plugs, that's all.

I just don't know of anyone that has posted a "damn I wish I hadn't put these damn Motorcraft plugs in, what a waste of money..."
well my next set of plugs im probably going to try the autolite plugs. i only got like 35,000 miles on these bosh plugs. what is the best plug between the 2? the motorcraft or autolite? and should i get platinum on either one?

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