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Spark Plugs....

sorry but whats the COP?

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it was on the electrode end and i beleive it sand/debris on the plug it did not look like metal, on of the plastic connections is missing the clip to hold it on to the coil but i zip tied it for now and checked to see if all of the connections were on and the coil packs were pushed down enough. seemed to be in my eyes

I would check on this and correct this first. Have you secured it by hand while at idle to see if that corrected the idle?

i havent tried that yet but will try this on my lunch break lol and see if thats the case its really starting to bug me and since i work 9-5 mon-fri i only get about 30-40 minutes of daylight to work on the X

If you're having a misfire, it's possible a COP is going bad. Very common:( It may not be as noticable when accelerating, but could be more pronounced when idling.

Figured it out lol, how can you tell if the coil packs are bad or going bad besides if it might show/tell it on the scanner when i scan it?

Figured it out lol, how can you tell if the coil packs are bad or going bad besides if it might show/tell it on the scanner when i scan it?

I THINK he means Coil On Plug; '02 Explorers do not use Coil On Plug system, I don't believe.....imp

2002 V8 is a COP ignition...

I had to go back and make sure it was a V8 too, I missed it the first time! :)

I just did my plugs right now and man did I have a lot of oily dirt gunk all around where the boots were! I went ahead and took the time to make sure I cleaned everything fairly well and shot some air down in there before pulling out the plugs.


Thats 150k on original plugs...:eek: I was having some hesitation in the idle after a cold start up and would sound like it wanted to die. After putting the new ones in, she fired right up and idled smooooooooth. Also got rid of the check eng light.

BUT, I somehow came up with an "extra part". Check it out. After pulling out the plug on drivers side closest to the firewall, I noticed this was about to fall into the hole.


Anyone recognize this thing or where it could have came from?

Can't rightly tell you what that it but with that many miles on it and the oil you had in the number 8 plug well, Iwould replce all of the rubber boots on the coils. NAPA has high temp ones. The oil is most likely from a leaky valve cover gasket. Had the same problem. New boots cured it.

Ya I actually had oil on about 4 of them. Do the boots just pop off of the coil packs or what? I didn't really mess with them, just cleaned them up a bit.

I did a how-to on this awhile back but couldnt get it stickied. Sounds like it may have helped you here. Y'all keep saying COP, is that on the V8? Or when did they switch on the V6? All the ones ive seen are central coil....


My '02 V8 has them but the V6 does not.

Ya I actually had oil on about 4 of them. Do the boots just pop off of the coil packs or what? I didn't really mess with them, just cleaned them up a bit.

Yep just pop the boots off the coil. The spring may stay attached to the blade terminal inside the bottom of the coil but it too, just pulls out. Be sure to buy ONLY boots which come with the springs connectors and use di-electric grease its cheap preventive maintenance. Good Luck to ya!!! Oh yeah, use a Q-tip to clean the blade terminal on the coil. Put some di-electric grease in there after you clean it and then attach the new spring connector.

Ok not sure if anyone cares or still viewing the thread lol but i finally scanned my car and pulled the code p0302 which i cylinder 2 misfire detected. I pulled out plug to realize that the ceramic piece that is wrapped around the electrode was loose and not attached. When you shook the plug it rattled and when you held it one way it slid up and down the electrode. This was my problem i replaced with new plug and right as rain. I got the plug for free from pepboys even though i bought it online...suckers i told them i bought it from them last week and had no receipt. the plug seemed to be defected....i took a picture but it was dark and couldn't really make it out ill try to upload tomorrow. my mechanic who lives next store said he never seen that before.

I re-read over this thread just now and I noticed you had trouble with some of the coil pack connecters clicking in and you zip tied them. When I did my plugs, I had to pull the little clips back with my finger nail on every single one for them for them to stay connected. I think all the greasy dirt crud was keeping them from snapping back on their own. Might want to give that a whirl.

That "extra part" belongs on the underside of the engine cover (or whatever they call it); look at the underside of the cover you'll see the other three washers still in place.

Yep just pop the boots off the coil. The spring may stay attached to the blade terminal inside the bottom of the coil but it too, just pulls out. Be sure to buy ONLY boots which come with the springs connectors and use di-electric grease its cheap preventive maintenance. Good Luck to ya!!! Oh yeah, use a Q-tip to clean the blade terminal on the coil. Put some di-electric grease in there after you clean it and then attach the new spring connector.

I recently bought some Motorcraft OEM boots that did NOT come with new springs. When I posted the message here people said some boots DONT come with new springs and that it is perfectly fine to use the old ones.

Is it really life or death to use new springs?

That "extra part" belongs on the underside of the engine cover (or whatever they call it); look at the underside of the cover you'll see the other three washers still in place.

Haha, of course it's the one place I haven't looked! Thanks.

I recently bought some Motorcraft OEM boots that did NOT come with new springs. When I posted the message here people said some boots DONT come with new springs and that it is perfectly fine to use the old ones.

Is it really life or death to use new springs?

I'm sure you could just clean the old ones up real good. As long as they aren't overly compressed. If they are you can prob stretch them out just a little but not so much that they keep the boot from doing it job of covering it all up.

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