Spdrcer34 is going V8!.... | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spdrcer34 is going V8!....

good luck the clearence is tight!! let me know if it works I just got my 5.0 powerplant in today even with a 3in body lift it looks slim in there!

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It is a bit tighter with the `92 Firewall in place, sure.

But that is why I opted to swap firewalls. It places the brake booster back about 1/2", and the redesigned HVAC box is pushed more towards the passenger fender.


all that hard work will deffinately be worth it in the long run trust me!


i got some spark boot you may want to look into for those front two drivers'.

pics in my thread, should give you lots of room.

I ran those MSD's on my Olds 355...the rubber is VERY good on those.

But, I have a better solution!...

Pics to come...


Here are the pics I talked about in Matt's thread (seth247)

I have the tubes just tack'd in place....I will finalize the welds, and clean it all up on Thursday....


very nice!

now why cant somebody just MAKE that?!

you'd think some company would realize that there are v8s in explorers too and sell something that would work off the shelf for CHEAP.

cut those locating "nubs" off of the motor mounts below the stud before you put the motor in.

Why is that?

I have no problem drilling 2 holes in the frame for them.


I FINALLY got the firewall 100% completed...Welded up, body seam sealer, paint....


Very good. Did you already drill and add an extra bolt or two in the gas pedal bracket? Do that now when it's really easy. I drilled two off to the side of the two spot welds, and added OEM tiny bolts and nuts, the dash 8mm short bolts.

Very good. Did you already drill and add an extra bolt or two in the gas pedal bracket? Do that now when it's really easy. I drilled two off to the side of the two spot welds, and added OEM tiny bolts and nuts, the dash 8mm short bolts.

what is the need for these bolts?

The 95-01's had an occasional case of the spot welds breaking loose there, from foot pressure on the pedal etc. When they break loose the pedal then doesn't work right, no throttle etc. It's not easy to do with the engine in the truck, but while out it's a five minute job if you have the bolts and drill handy.

I have never heard that. But I can see how that would happen...

I will be sure to do that..


Oops, I meant spot welds. I've known 2-3 members to have the problem, but not in a long time now.

I got to looking at the area in question, and there are 3 spotwelds, and 2 holes punched in the U shaped bracket that holds the pedal. I pulled on the pedal, and saw zero movement in the bracket. But I will put a bolt or 2 in that location.


Ditto, mine looked fine as well. There wasn't a recall that I know of, but searching did turn up many examples, so it wasn't an insignificant issue. I don't plan to do that yet for my 98 keeper, but my 99 was completely apart like yours. Meaning do it if it's that simple.

So here is a single post with the mods I did to the firewall:

Stock 1992 Firewall, minor cutting started

Stock 1992 Firewall, cut on all 4 sides, ready to remove.

Stock 1992 Firewall removed.

1997 Firewall welded into the 1992.

1997 Firewall Welding and Sealing completed. Also note the ECM Mount was added.

1997 Firwall completed, with 1997 Black Mastic Added

Black Mastic is place with Brake Pedal, and shift cable Mounted. Also added ECM ground Plate, and AirBag Module in Passenger Footwell.

Heater & A/C Plenum added.

E-brake Added.

Dash Mounted!

Steering Wheel Mounted

Center Console Mounted

Under Column Panel Mounted


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You've got some serious talent!! Way to go, that is going to be one tricked out ride when you are done with much respect from those who know!
