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sport trac wheel base

Abe Lincoln

Active Member
July 23, 2009
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wilkeson wa
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1993 ranger R.I.P B deuce
What's the wheel base of a sport trac? And has anyone ever done a flatbed on one? Pics?

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Wheelbase is 125.9" and I have never seen a flatbed on a Sport Trac. It would be a very short flatbed if you were to make/install one.



I am curious why no one has built a sport trac for wheeling I have seen some sas's sport trac but none with any sort of armor or serious wheeling mods, no offence to anyone.

You're just not looking around...... Look up John_Rock, for example.

I have seen all his pics, iam talking about sas'ed, caged pure wheeling rigs, john and chads rigs are very nice but iam looking for a combo of the both, beat up used rigs

Maybe you can be the first .......... and with a flatbed. :D:thumbsup: I've seen the Rangers, nice!

Very little use for all that anywhere around here, AFAIK.

I'm too old ......... and poor for all that stuff anyway.:)

:D your never to old, poor yeah maybe, but I work at a wrecking yard so I may be able to score some deals.

Here are my thoughts, sas, flatbed, Exo, dual cases,beadlocks, the works

Do it. Sounds like a great project for us to follow.

going to look at an '02 sport trac tommorow, guy said it is a "light roll" and he owes 2000K, just wants it paid off and out of his hands. sounds kind of weird to me but its worth taking a look at

going to look at an '02 sport trac tommorow, guy said it is a "light roll" and he owes 2000K, just wants it paid off and out of his hands. sounds kind of weird to me but its worth taking a look at

WOW! 2000K!! = $2,000,000.

Thats a little too much if you ask me. :p:


just got back from looking at the sport trac, doesnt look too bad. iam going to talk to a few guys around work and to some of the body shops that i work with on a regular basis and see what they think, for 2k:D it might be a good buy and nice start to a wheeler
