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Sport with Limited Rims?


April 21, 2011
City, State
Rome, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Platinum
Looking at purchasing a new Explorer.
I love the Sport model but my wife hates the Sport rims.
Is it possible to get the Limited rims for the Sport?

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Looking at purchasing a new Explorer.
I love the Sport model but my wife hates the Sport rims.
Is it possible to get the Limited rims for the Sport?

Not from Ford.....but you can off Ebay.

Sport rims are hot commodity so you could flip them pretty quick.

You do know those Sport rims are wider and part of the suspension set up differences that the Sport has over the other models?

Not from Ford.....but you can off Ebay.

Sport rims are hot commodity so you could flip them pretty quick.

You do know those Sport rims are wider and part of the suspension set up differences that the Sport has over the other models?

Correct. My wife just hates the rims for some reason. I personally like them. However, a happy wife is a happy life..

Correct. My wife just hates the rims for some reason. I personally like them. However, a happy wife is a happy life..

Must be hard on your situation.. I agree.. An angry wife is messed up life..

Why dont she get the limited instead?

Looking at purchasing a new Explorer.
I love the Sport model but my wife hates the Sport rims.
Is it possible to get the Limited rims for the Sport?

I too dislike the rims on my Sport. Ford should offer the rims without the painted black pockets as an option.

I too dislike the rims on my Sport. Ford should offer the rims without the painted black pockets as an option.

Well i dont have a problem with the sport's rim..
But its always on the people's taste.. I best like sport for its engine..
And sports suspension..

LOL. She wants the Limited, I want the Sport.

Haha! I knew you want the sport..
Well i hope you can get that option in sport..

But as for sgt said.. You can always have it on ebay..

I would bet you could find a set of Limited wheels for sale or trade for the sport rims pretty easily. Keep in mind you are sacrificing a little bit or width IIRC.

Ask your dealer if they'd be willing to switch out the rims with one of their Limiteds, and drop $500 bucks off the price. When they say no, ask them if they'll do it for free. They'll probably tell that limited buyer that they're getting the Sport wheels and charge them an extra $500.

I'd be willing to trade with you. If you're ever coming to the Raleigh/Durham area, PM me. I can send you pics of the rims if you're interested. I have the upgraded polished aluminum wheels: (not my truck, but these are the wheels):


Where are the center caps??


Where are the center caps??


Not my truck. That's just a picture I found on the internet for reference-sake. Here's my truck with the Mrs.:


man that blue is nice.
..never again black...ever...

man that blue is nice.
..never again black...ever...

LOL yeah I am back to a black vehicle for the first time in many, many years. I love it when it is clean, get annoyed when it is not.

I like the edge's sport rims better then the ex's. I still think the current MY edge sport is a great looking vehicle. It rides really rough though.

There is a wheel exchange on Ebay. They send you the rims you want and in exchange you return your rims. There is a deposit that they refund when you return your rims. Get on there and check it out. I'm thinking of having my XLT rims chromed.

Not to thread jack but where is the best place to sell my factory Sport wheels/tires? I took them off within the first few days of getting them. Do you guys recommend eBay?

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man that blue is nice.
..never again black...ever...

Yes, it is. Thanks. It was Deep Impact Blue or Kodiak Brown. That brown changes quite a bit depending on the lighting, from almost black to glorious 70's brown, and it's SO freckly metallic.
