Squealing Noise When Wet, Belt? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Squealing Noise When Wet, Belt?


Well-Known Member
February 24, 2011
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Holland Patent, NY
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Squealing Sound - Brakes or Fan Belt?

I posted about this a long while back, but never figured out what it is. Recently with the crazy weather we've been having, I've seen more often than not, when it's wet out, I hear the same squeal. From past experience, to me it sounds like it might be a fan belt. I only noticed it after getting my cooling fans replaced. Since then I've seen the TSB for brake issues and wonder if that's what the noise is. It never lasts long, usually happens when it's wet.


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Does it happen all the time when vehicle is running but not in motion? Only when applying brakes? Seems you should be able to narrow it down a bit more.

Does not happen when the vehicle is stopped. Normally happens, if it's going to happen, almost immediately after starting to drive, then goes away in a few seconds.

Squealing from engine

Here's one for ya. Has anyone had a squealing sound come from the engine when it's raining out or when the roads are wet. Right before the squeal the fan will slow down..... after the squeal it will power up again. Thoughts

Does not happen when the vehicle is stopped. Normally happens, if it's going to happen, almost immediately after starting to drive, then goes away in a few seconds.

Its not the breaks. It's a belt oR something. Only happens in wet weather. I am going to talk to them tomorrow on this. Last time they said they used grease on the pulleys. That didn't work.

Sounds nothing like this. As long as it doesn't come to this noise it should be O.K. Seriously though anyone else have this noise?

Maybe I should take this in to the service manager. Might scare him into doing something about it. Hehe. I'll say "Hey, wanna hear the squealin noise. I'll take ya out back so ya' all can hear it."


greaseded your pulleys?????
what i would try issitting still, pull on evertyhing that draws electrical load all at once, high beams heater motor ac everything, does it change squeal??

sounds like something freezing causing belt stall and squeal,, id suggest taking belt off and turning everthing hunting for sticky grumbly bearing, pay particular attention to alt, tensioner pulley, ac clutch and belt idler is there is one, buck,,, water pump

Dialectic grease I guess

bite the bullet,, throw that belt away or keep iot for a possible last excuse emergency git outa tha woods spare,scrub tje pulleys down with something agressive like brake cleaner or grease and wax remover, dialectric is most likely silicone and hangs on harder than a widowed mother in law looking for a lifetime rent free bungalow out back,, still check every bearing u can turn,, i left my shop chasin parts one time in charge of my wife and a highschool trainee auto mech workin for credits and spending money, they decided with granmaws help,, (HIS) that squeaking brakes needed greasing, and they did it!!!i went charging off hto get her back to the shop, expecting tragedy and found her sitting in a beanfield enjoying our shops parting gift from my wife,, a cold pepsi and a moon pie,, if your mechs greaded that belt, they deserve the same lecture my wife and intern got,, buck

They said it was the tensioner pulley. They have ordered one and will install it next week.

I actually just had this fixed on my Ex last week. It had gotten progressively worse. They had to replace the accessory drive belt. We had a torential downpour here this morning and no more squealing!

I actually just had this fixed on my Ex last week. It had gotten progressively worse. They had to replace the accessory drive belt. We had a torential downpour here this morning and no more squealing!

Did they charge you for it. I was told if they replace the belt I would have to pay for it as it is a wear item.

just my ,opinion but if something excessively worn during failure of wannanteed item then failed worn item should be replaced as a failure included in warranty iotem but a point to be hammered out with service managers again just my opinion, maybe ther ford service rep here could incite opinions/promises???? you shouldnt even have to pay for labor to install as belt reinstakll is a part of the labor to install the warranty part, i think you might be able to reasnably argue for that buck

They covered it under warranty, no charge to me. That would seem ridiculous to charge me for something that is a wear item when it clearly is worn prematurely....

I wasn't in the arguing mood today; I'll discuss the matter with the service Manager when it comes time. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

:usa:Buck; I would like to take this time to thank you for your service to your country. Thank you.:usa::salute:

I have the same problem. It usually happens when it's really wet outside : in the rain or after a melting snow. From what I recall, I feel like the right side of the vehicle starts to pull strangely for a fraction of a second, like it's AWD related. Usually happens when I'm climbing up a hill.

Went to the dealer yesterday to have it checked out while I was having an oil change and the new MFT installed... cost me 75$ to get told by the service guy that it's NOT the brakes... I knew that you big dummy, I told you that when I got there in the first place... moron... He didn't even want to lift the charges for the inspection.

Does anyone knows of a service bulletin related to that?

Fan Assembly? I know it can squeal when winding down. it could be possible it's that.

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I have the same problem. It usually happens when it's really wet outside : in the rain or after a melting snow. From what I recall, I feel like the right side of the vehicle starts to pull strangely for a fraction of a second, like it's AWD related. Usually happens when I'm climbing up a hill.

Went to the dealer yesterday to have it checked out while I was having an oil change and the new MFT installed... cost me 75$ to get told by the service guy that it's NOT the brakes... I knew that you big dummy, I told you that when I got there in the first place... moron... He didn't even want to lift the charges for the inspection.

Does anyone knows of a service bulletin related to that?
Welcome to the Forum mcmanus_78.:wavey:
Are you asking about a TSB related to squealing brakes? If so, there is one; 11-10-29 FRONT BRAKES - INTERMITTENT SQUEAL
Some 2011-2012 MKS, Flex, Taurus, MKT and Explorer vehicles built between 8/10/2010 and 08/02/2011 and some 2011-2012 Taurus SHO not equipped with the Performance Package built between 8/10/2010 and 8/02/2011 may exhibit a low frequency squeal from the front brakes.

I got that from the sticky at the beginning of this forum; http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=343204

If you are asking about a general TSB regarding squeaks, I'm not aware of one.

