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ST bad knock


Well-Known Member
November 18, 2008
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st pete fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 ford sport trac
So i have a 2001 sport trac and i hydro locked the motor in august and i replaced it with a motor with 75k miles. Now when I am driving and i get up into the top gears, and rps are about 2000 and i try to slowly accelerate the engine or trany starts knocking. not sure witch one it is. I can feel it in the pedal a lot and the passenger can feel it on the floor board. thanks for any help

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catalytic convertors?

(just throwing out stupid ideas)

Had the same issue on mine last winter, cleaning the mass airflow meter was my solution. unbolt from the air box unplug it and spray the elements with electronic cleaner or I think crc makes a maf cleaner.

Had the same issue on mine last winter, cleaning the mass airflow meter was my solution. unbolt from the air box unplug it and spray the elements with electronic cleaner or I think crc makes a maf cleaner.

really ill try this tomorrow or sometime soon thanks and hopefully this fixes the problem. do i need to let it dry after i spray it

well it got a lot worse and its really bad. I have scheduled an app with ford dealership to diagnose it for me for 9.99. Not a bad deal if you ask me.

If the EGR valve is malfunctioning it will cause engine knock.

well it got a lot worse and its really bad. I have scheduled an app with ford dealership to diagnose it for me for 9.99. Not a bad deal if you ask me.

Good luck, let us know what it turns out to be.

Ok so I took it to ford and the mechanic said that they have to start with turning it back to stock because its been modified. They said the spark plugs wires and fuel filter where all original ( i replaced all that 6 months ago ) They also told me intake gasket was bad and part cost 12$ and they want 360 in labor lol and then they told me that the fuel tank was crushed ( got high sided ) also fuel line was spliced (they couldn't change fuel filter so I changed it myself by adding new quick disconnects.

long story short i walked away with my st and the intake gaskets went home and replaced them and bought new wires one of them was burnt. 3 days later cel came back on have not went to check it out. Also there is a squaking when im driving down the road that gets worse the faster I go.

So it isnt knocking anymore then? But you also have a new sound?

So it isnt knocking anymore then? But you also have a new sound?

Indeed I believe the knocking was from the misfire probably from the burnt wire. I do have the squeaking when moving im thinking tire rod end ? idk ideas welcome


thanks for trying to help I belive if bearings are bad they hum though I dont think that they would squeak I will lift it and check though.

My right side one would squeak when it was first started to go bad. Like I had some parakeets in my wheel well.

Yeah, wheel bearings going bad don't always sound the same.

congrats you where right i had some cheap e bay wheel bearings and i was doing brakes because they sounded like they where grinding pads where fine but one rotor was scraping the pad bracket check the wheel bearings and they where lose passenger side was about to fall off. So squeaking gone I guess the alignment had something to do with the bearing going bad maybe but regardless I am going to get an alignment tomorrow. St is in good shape just need to fix the no horn problem and CEL.

good to hear Jeremy

thanks I need to install the camber kit for the passenger side I found a video on here for one but I am just curious do I need to jack up the truck ?

camber kit is in only took about 1 1/2 and i was on the phone most of the time and really had no clue what i was doing lol

yes, you need to jack up the side your working on LOL. sorry I didnt notice your question, glad you were able to get it done.

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