Stalling in Reverse, Shifting Out of 1st late | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stalling in Reverse, Shifting Out of 1st late


New Member
February 28, 2010
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'02 XLt
Ok everything started with the car stalling when i would put the car from park to reverse. It would start to stall then jump and "rock" when it caught up with itself.
As time has gone on now the stalling to the jump is happening with Park to Reverse to Drive.
Also it is not shifting right when i go to accelerate it is hesitant to shift out of first and shakes to catch up with itself. (almost like it get caught)
I have had the transmission tested numerous times for the shifting and it tests fine, along with the timing.
This is kinda hard to describe so let me know if you need:thumbdwn: details.

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I had a similar problem with my 97 and it was the valve body in the transmission. I don't know much about the transmission so I can't help much more than that. Goodluck.

the '02-'05's have just a poorly designed 5-speed trans in general.

The only issues we have ever had with my wife's '04 Monty (Premier/AWD/4.6L) have been transmission related. We had the shift solenoid replaced 3 times under warranty which solved the late/lazy shift for about 2-3 months, then it would get jerky/lazy again. Finally the dealer did a full flush/fill, new solenoid & new valve body when one technician FINALLY took the time to take the truck out & REALLY drive it to let it fail for him. As an ASE myself, nothing drives me more insane than lazy techs who only read TSB's & throw parts at the vehicle... anyway...

Valvebody & shift solenoid solved the problem for over 70K miles. NOw @ 141,000 the truck is showing signs of dying going into park from drive, occasional dying reverse to drive & lazy downshifts & upshifts.

I am really surprised the aftermarket hasn't identified this issue with so many Expy's/Monty's on the road... I would have thought Sun or Solen or one of the big trans-kit companies would have stepped up with an upgrade/repair valve body.

I have been extensively searching for replacement parts, shift kits/reprogram kits etc.

I am taking the Monty in 2 weeks for a full flush-fill 2 the dealer & installing an additional cooler with aux fan & temp gauge to see what's really going on.


I too am having the same issue described above. I read a few threads that mentioned it might be the IAC valve. Could this possibly cause it to stall when going into Reverse ?

I too am having the same issue described above. I read a few threads that mentioned it might be the IAC valve. Could this possibly cause it to stall when going into Reverse ?

yes it could be the IAC, i had the same problem when shifting. it would lose its idle and stall. i cleaned the IAC, replaced the air filter and cleaned the throttle body and havent had the problem since. i filled my iac with brake clean for about 20 mins and it was seriously filthy. no problems in over a year.
