Start/idle issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Start/idle issue


New Member
December 12, 2020
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City, State
Ocean springs, ms
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 for explorer 4.0
I took on the task of changing my manifold and valve cover gaskets on my 2003 4.0 explorer. I thought all went well until i tried to start it. It will attempt to run but dies after only a second or so. I have a hose on back of intake manifold inhale no clue where it goes....I don’t even remember removing when took it off. It has what looks like pvc valve screwed into back of manifold and this hose comes off of it. I can’t seem to find out where it goes.


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On the backside of the driver’s side valve cover there’s a port that the pvc valve fits in. It’s a difficult spot to get to but can be done. There’s also a vacuum tubing that goes from that valve to the intake plenum. I hope you have that piece of tubing cuz it’s special meaning expensive. When you get done swearing at Ford for making that an impossible spot to get to your hugh vacuum leak will go away and your 4.0 should idle

Video replacing PCV Valve+Hose on a 2003 Ford Explorer V6~4.0L~SOHC.

Google & YouTube are your "friends".
While your there, might as well clean\replace that PCV Valve+Hose with a little CarbThrottleSpray.

Thank you both for your replies! I was able to connect both the PCV hose and the other hose back to the intake and all is well. Next thing to replace is oil pan gasket on next oil change...hitting near 160k so far. So far I have put new transmission and new suspension within the last 3 years. She has been good to me so trying to keep her buttoned up for a few more years if I can before I get something else.

How’s the AC and heater working?

How’s the AC and heater working?
Working just fine. The "flap" as I call it or whatever it is on passenger side fell awhile ago, but other than that works well.

Does the defrost still work well enough? I ask cuz mine has had several issues.

Count yourself lucky
