Starting/Key problems with '97 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Starting/Key problems with '97 XLT


Well-Known Member
July 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Tallahassee, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 4x4
Hey guys, I've got a few problems here.

I have already searched the forums a bit, but I haven't been able to identify anything conclusive about my problems.

First off, the X is a 1997 XLT 4.0 with <77k miles on it. I've just recently starting having these problems. But anyway, I came out from class this morning, I had two in a row so the Explorer was sitting there for a good three hours or so, I came out and tired to start it. It took a good five seconds before it finally turned over. It cranked and cranked until it finally turned over without much of a problem (it didn't feel like it was going to die or anything). This is very uncharacteristic of my Explorer; I always loved how my Ex just almost instantaneously turned over the second I turned the key. But I didn't think much of it. I got back to my building and when I turned it off the key wouldn't come out, so I just jiggled it a bit and it came loose. Again, didn't think anything of it. Then I left just minutes after getting to my building to get some lunch and the Ex started right up with no problems. So I thought it was just isolated incidents. Then tonight I went to Walmart, went out to the Explorer and sure enough, it struggled to turn over again. Got to Walmart, and I had to play with the key again to get it out. Once I was done shopping, I wasn't in there very long, I came out and it started up again no problem. But when I got home, I turned off the car and the key would just not budge no matter what I did. I sat there for at least five minutes messing with it until finally it somehow, by the grace of God, released.
I don't know if these two problems are related or what. It's just weird that they just started today at the same time.
It seems like the starting problem only happens when the engine is cold. It has gotten a little cool today in Tallahassee (50s), but a few weeks ago at one point it was 13 degrees outside, so I don't think weather has much do to with it.

But can anyone offer an insight about this? It's very annoying and I'm worried one day it either won't start or my key won't come out, or both. I've never had these problems before.

I'm 6 hours away from home for college, so my dad can't help me out much with this (which is who I usually rely on).

Any help is much appreciated, and sorry about the long post.


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Well I just went out there (friggin' freezing outside) and tried to start it. It hesitated again. It seems like now it's kind of easing into turning over. Before it would take a while to turn over, but when it did, it was immediate. Now it's kind of like lagging and just like slowly starting.

It's hard to explain. lol

I squirted a tiny bit of WD40 into the ignition after my last key fiasco, and the key came out no problem. I don't know if that's a permanent fix or not. I've had a lot of things in the past that chose when they wanted to malfunction and when they wanted to work properly, so this wouldn't be anything new.

Again, thanks.


Anyone got any feedback? It's still doing it, and I'm afraid one day I'll come out and it won't start at all, then I'm screwed.

it could be the ignition, it could be the battery, it could be the wires it could be the starter

take that list and tell me what it isnt

Well it's not the battery, I know that. And by wires do you mean spark plug wires? If so, then it's not that either, because those were literally JUST replaced.

The other two I'm not sure about. Is there any way to test or anything?

It seems like if I turn the key to "on" but don't try and crank it or anything for a second or so, it starts up better. I believe the fuel pump turns on when you turn the key to "on" right? Maybe there's something up with that?
I really have no idea.

StreetRod- I don't believe my key has a chip in it. It's just the regular old key. Or are you talking about something else?
Regardless, I'll look next time I start it up, just in case. I never noticed it flashing or anything but I'll take a look next time.

Thanks for the responses, guys. :)

Get familiar with how the THEFT illuminates when it starts normally vs not starting right away. If THEFT flashes rapidly with the key inserted the key sensor or the encoding chip on the key is going bad.

Well I don't even think the THEFT light illuminates at all in my Explorer because I can't see it. I don't have keyless entry, a chip in my key, a security system or anything like that. So maybe it doesn't flash by default? Or maybe it's burnt out. lol

Anyway, so like I said before, it seems like it starts right up if I turn the ignition to "on" for a few seconds, and then crank it. Could this be a problem with the fuel pump or something? I know the fuel pump turns on when the key is set to "on" but maybe there's something wrong and the fuel isn't getting to the engine fast enough?
I'm such a noob when it comes to engines and stuff like that. I really don't know anything other than what I can read up online.

It hasn't not started on me, it starts every single time (knock on wood), it just has to crank for a few seconds sometimes. It's more embarrassing and annoying than anything else. Plus I don't know if this is just an omen telling me something needs to get fixed before it totally stops working.

when i first got my explorer i had a strange ignition issue like you say. if i would jam the key in and crank it right to start the engine super fast it wouldnt start, the starter would do that clicking deal like when your battery is dead. like it wanted to start it just didnt have the power. then i would have to let it sit for like half and hour or i would have to undo the battery terminals and let it reset then try starting again. ever since then i figured out that turning the key to ON and letting the system "prime" ensured i didnt have that problem so i always do that now and have not had a problem since then.

unless the starting system has a capacitor in it somewhere i dont know what that problem could possibly be linked to. on the other hand if there is a capacitor somewhere it is possible that with age the capacitor is wearing out and takes longer to charge/discharge enough to fully engage the starter solenoid or whatever it is used for.

im just guessing about that i do not know the ins and outs of the electrical system on these things.
