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starting on sas parts list

i am lookin to go wit 40" tires, thinkin of D 60s, has neone ever done this to an x??

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I am going with 60 rear and 3/4 ton 44 front. As far as wanting a strong SAS axle for just 35's I would recommend a Waggy 44 front they are almost the same width as the 8.8. I will get a parts list for my SAS ASAP. I have everything just need to put it on here.

Are all of the Waggy 44's are leaf sprung? Did they make any with coils? APPX-How much of a difference in widths are the 8.8 and Waggy 44?

Yes I am pretty sure that all of the Waggy 44 are leaf sprung. The difference in the width can be made up by wheel spacers. I will get measurements later on tonight from the shop. Any other questions just let me know.

bmxking5 said:
Are all of the Waggy 44's are leaf sprung? Did they make any with coils? APPX-How much of a difference in widths are the 8.8 and Waggy 44?

My waggy 44 is a leafsprung under axle 61.5" wms to wms. It is 6 lug so Im still trying to determine the best/cheapest way to match the 8.8.

if i would do the sas what size coils do i need to get 6-7" of lift?

I'll let you know in a few months. I am going to start with ether early bronco springs or jeep tj springs. havent decided which yet. I am shooting for 5" lift and heavy fender trimming to clear 37"s

95offroadx said:
if i would do the sas what size coils do i need to get 6-7" of lift?
Lift over what? Stock Explorer height? What kind of coils?

And remember, when going into a SAS, they is NO WAY to predict some sort of exact overall lift from stock height, there are just too many variables to consider. For example, EB lift coils are a popular swap for SAS's, yet a lot of people go with 3.5", and many go with 5.5", and MOST of them are close to the same amount of lift when complete. The trucks vary, and the coil bucket locations vary.

ok thanks

A friend of mine has a 72 Bronco he is going to part out. That would solve some of your problems. He is in south Jersey. He is on vacation this week, but if you want I'll ask him when he gets back.

ok guys i need your help! should i get a SAS or regear to 4.56's?
my local 4x4 shop said it will cost $1350 for regearing the front and rear

i also talked to a local guy that has a rock crawler jeep and other lift trucks and he said he would get all the parts i need for the sas(dana 44) and install them for $1500

You mean $1500 for just the install or $1500 for getting the parts and installing them?

for the parts and installing them

:eek: :eek: That is an awesome deal. If you think that the guy is capable of doing it, he'd be true to his word, etc I say go for the SAS.

im deciding because i either want 35's or 37's , if i was only going to 35's i wouldnt get the sas

In your sig it says your future plan is 6" of lift. Are you talking about a whole new 6" lift or do you mean add spacers,etc to your current springs? If you mean an entire new lift, then I'd say consider how much the lift + regear is going to cost compared to the SAS + regear. Otherwise, it is all pretty much your decision as to if you want to pay the extra for it.

Your entire decision of whether or not to go SAS is based on 1" of tire clearance?

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let me do some more research, i need to look at some explorers with 35's and 37's

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