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The exploder

Well-Known Member
September 10, 2007
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Idaho falls Idaho
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 sport
I Have searched the forums and cant find anything that has to do with this weird static problem i am haveing. I turn on my radio and turn the volume all the way dowen ant i hear static in bursts. I cant hear it when the radios all the way up butt it is annoying. I took the head unit out and made sure the ground was on good anythig else that i should check. THanks JAmes

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. the whole system stock??? i would check all the connections including the amp...:scratch:

no it has a top of the line 2003 clarion hi power deck and a amp with a sub in the back. what connections should i check

...personally i would check all connections...if it goes on like this for a while you will short something out, ouch, that could be costly....:eek:

k ill do that tomaro thank you tbars, sometimes if you have a problem like that with electronics, it will take out the head unit and/or, the built in noise suppressors...just my .02 though after having the similar problem on previous stereos...;)

Well i took the head unit out and cheacked all of the connections and then i blew out my deck then i went under the hood and found that my termanal connector on my ground side was cracked. So ill be replaceing the connecter and c if that helps............. Thanks Tbars

...well, it sounds like you caught it in time...good job and be sure to check your other connectors just in case...:D

If that doesn't fix it let me know I have many ways to find the problem.

Well it didnt fix it What are your ideas? This is really starting to annoy me.... I checked the head unit and pulled on all of my connections redid my battery termanal for the negitive side cause it was cracked... And i took a long wire and connected it from the ground of the sterio to random other grounds and still the same problem.

Do you have just the sub amp or is there an amp on the fronts?

Does this static sound almost like morse code? If you have a cell phone near a radio or television, you will hear that type of sound as it interferes with the signal.

I have a amp and a sub in the back butt i disconnected it (pulled the wires on the deck side and it still dose it.) Umm and ill try the cell phone thing!!!!!becase i did just get a new one

umm It is fainter when i leave my phone in the house and i have found that it only dose it when my x is running theres no static when the radios on without the motor running( thought i just had my heads replaced is there a ground wire that he could of forgot to putt back on or something JamesT

Do I understand that the problem started when you changed your cd player?

Well i dont know exactly when it happened butt it was eaither when my alarm system waz installed or when my heads where replaced i think it was when my heads where repalced thou i just noticed it. Becase i dont think it waz when i installed it. Butt i didnt bypass the factory amp if it has one.

K update it only makes this static noise when the truck is turned on. When i turn the key to the on position and let the radio play there is no static butt when i turn the truck on the static comes....Anythig else i should try before takeing it to a radio shop!!!!!!!! can buy an inline noise filter...:D

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:exporange Well i went and got a noise filter and ended up returning it. My radio still had the static poping. It seems that the static poping gets louder when the engine revs if that helps. Its just annoying so if anybody has wnything else to try let me know or i think i am going to take it to ideal audio this weeked.:D
