steering issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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steering issues


Active Member
August 6, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
woodbridge, va
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 5.0 Eddie Bauer AWD
I am hearing a groaning noise when turning the steering wheel almost all the way to the left and back to center at a standstill. (it makes no noise at all when turning the steering wheel to the right.) This noise is also heard while only turning left at low speeds (vehicle in gear, moving forward with no pressure on gas pedal, kinda like letting the transmission move the vehicle on its own.) I have searched and cannot find anything that is specific to situation. my X is a 2000 XLT 4dr 4x4 4.0 SOHC. No suspension or steering components have ever been replaced on my vehicle. I am hoping that someone on here has an idea of what i am describing and would greatly appreciate any kind of "diagnosis" that could be given. Thanks guys!


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That might be good advice to take when I find out what the problem is, but what could the problem be?

Anyone else? Come on guys there has got to be a few more of you who might have some kind of idea.

I own a 99 4.0 SOHC Sport and I have the same exact problem, turn left while parking and it makes this "tight, dry, groaning sound" bring it back to center, and Im fine. If I turn the wheel to the right, Im fine.

i wish i had an idea of what this is, because i am so afraid that something might fail while my wife is driving it. that would really suck
