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Steering Shaft


Well-Known Member
January 2, 2007
Reaction score
Just a query really. I was wondering if the intermediate steering shaft/gear should have any movement in it? On mine it seems that you can pull up on it above the steering joint/ball and get it to move some, however there is no movement under the steering joint/ball on the lower shaft. Is this normal or should it have no movment at all?

The steering seems alright, etc. When the steering wheel moves the tires move, etc. The boots on my steering gear are not that great, but from the pictures on this forum that i have seen, it seems to be normal for the top of the rubber boot to where are break, etc. The rubber boots look that the ones in the lower picture-

A while ago, (8 months) the steering wouldn't return to centre when released, like in a car park, so i had someone look at it and they said it was alright, i have just put a bit of atf or grease on it from time to time since then. Vehicle is a 97 with 78,000 miles.

Is it possible to remove the up and down movement in the shaft, like is there a screw to tighten or something? There is no movement side to side.
