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Stock height


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April 7, 2008
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I searched the site and could not find the stock height for a 98 ex. I was hoping that someone could measure from the ground to the top of the wheel well. This way I will have a starting measurement to know if the previous owner adjusted the torsion bar.

Thanks a lot.

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Hi again. No help for anyone yet. My X is 33" at the driver side front and 34" in the back. 34" front passenger and 35" at the back. Hoping to crack the (TT) driver side front up to level the truck off. But is there any room for another inch or two?


to measure ride height:


To perform the ride height check and adjustment requires the use of special slip plates under the front wheels. These plates allow the front suspension to properly settle by bypassing the tires adhesion to the ground.

1. Raise and support the vehicle. If equipped with ARC suspension, disconnect the front and rear air lines at the shock absorbers.

2. Position frictionless slip plates under the tires then lower the vehicle onto the slip plates.

3. Bounce the vehicles front and rear suspensions several times to normalize the vehicle static ride height.

4. Measure the distance between the center of the lower control arm bushing bolt and the ground. Record the measurement as dimension A.

5. Measure the distance between the lowest point of the steering knuckle (but not the ball joint) and the ground. Record the measurement as dimension B.

6. Subtract dimension B from dimension A for ride height.

7. For vehicles without ARC suspension, ride height should be 4.33-4.56 in. (110-116mm).

8. For vehicles with ARC suspension, ride height should be 3.26-3.50 in. (83-89mm).

9. To increase the ride height, raise the vehicle and tighten the torsion bar adjuster bolt. Recheck the ride height.

10. To decrease the ride height, raise the vehicle and loosen the torsion bar adjuster bolt. Recheck the ride height.

11. Once proper ride height is established, raise and support the vehicle.

12. If equipped with ARC suspension, connect the front and rear air lines at the shocks.

13. Remove the slip plates from under the wheels.

14. Lower the vehicle.

ok... so you already started on the TT?

You do NOT want to gain 2" of ride-height measured this way. This is too much.
If you lower it back down to a measurement of 4.33-4.56, that will be stock height. Then you'd want to measure for TT gain from the top of the wheel to the bottom of the fender. Or ground to fender. Or center of hub to fender.

Thanks a lot. That is exactly what I needed. I have not started the TT yet. But looks like the person I bought it from may have. The only thing I have done, is add leafs to the back, to get rid of the sagging rear end.

How can I tell if the rear sway bar needs replacing?

Thanks a lot. Tuesday the weather will be +3 and I will re-measure.

I think the only reason to change the rear sway bar(aside from buying a stiffer one) would be if it is bent, or somehow damaged. If the links with the rubber bushings are sloppy, I'd replace those.

I am trying to figure this out too. Anyone have pictures of the measuring points. I think that I have it but my measurement is only 2.5 inches and I am not sure if I am doint it right.

