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stock oil gauge questions.


September 24, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer
Question one: on my stock gauges the one that obviously indicates oil. is that for oil temp or for oil pressure?

Question two: that gauge never moves. it is always dead center ( even when the truck is off) so is it broken? or is that normal?

any input would be appreciated.


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It's oil pressure, sort of.

At 5psi it shows normal. At < 5 psi it shows low..

Here is a good thread about converting it to read like a normal oil pressure gauge. You can do this conversion until 1997/1998 (I can't remember which year had the cut-over to the gauges that couldn't be modified).

Basically, you replace the sending unit on the side of the motor to a real sending unit and put a piece of wore over a 20 ohm resistor on the back of the oil pressure gauge (cluster) and viola, it will now move with the oil pressure.

If you get bored.. Check out the useful thread forum.. Great place to look up things you can do (or need to do) to your rig.


great info thanks for that.

kinda silly to have a "dummy light" look like a gauge.

i think before i have to go and pull out the stock cluster ill just add in an aftermarket oil psi gauge.

ill check out that useful thread forum also.

Originally (before '85) it was a real pressure gauge. But people got scared when they saw pressure dropping from 50-60psi to 7-9psi after engine warm-up...

Originally (before '85) it was a real pressure gauge. But people got scared when they saw pressure dropping from 50-60psi to 7-9psi after engine warm-up...
These folks must have been new Ford owners,every LTD with a 400 I've ever owned would blink the oil light at idle once it warmed up lol

