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stock speaker quality


Well-Known Member
October 14, 2005
City, State
Murray, kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 ford explorer xls
i have a stock 96 explorer xlt. i can take all speakers out of a 2000 explorer limited for free and i was wondering if its worth it.

do you know if the speaker quality out of a 2000 limited better than my 96 xlt?

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is it the standard audio pakage or is it a JBL?....honestly i found that my stock speakers in my 96 plus a nice pioneer HU sounds pretty damn good..

The stock speakers are of a rather poor quality. Any aftermarket speaker will sound better.

i wanted to keep the same HU just to replace my speakers with a 2000 explorer limited ones for better quality.

I bought some JBL's from a newer Explorer and found out the harnesses were different. So, you'd be in for some custom wiring if you tried it.

do you also know if a factory woofer out of an eddie bauer or a limited can be wired strait to my stock head unit?


I upgraded to a higher wattage CD Unit, and replaced the speakers as well, and man does it sound sweet!

get a newer HU it will make a bigger differance.

Dude.. I bought the factory sub too. It's not a direct bolt in. You would need the whole harness that runs from the HU to the factory amp/sub. So.. I never got that far and I have the sub sitting somewhere in the garage. Or maybe I threw it away..

is the factory sub 4sale?????:D


just sold my 98 Expy and bought a 2000 Explorer which I really like. The stock stereo was very bad, so I went to Best Buy and got a Pioneer CD installed for about $140, bought 4 new Jensem 6x8 at Circuit City for $39 a pair and put them in myself. The different is day and night, work out very nice for about $200 or so -

Ron - Hudson, Fl

I'm in love with my limited's stereo, its crisp and loud. p.s. I tried wiring in a foctory sub to my old 98 xlt, it never worked. Either I fried the sub output of the hu or it never worked. I had the hu tested and sure enough no signal outpu,t Had power, ground, and remote turn on so I don't know. Does the HU have an on/ off for the sub?

i didn`t check if my HU have an output for a sub woofer.

is anybody knows if i can wired a stock sub to my stock HU or i will need to get a HU from an EDDIE BAUER OR LIMITED with the stock sub?
