Strange Brake problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Strange Brake problem


New Member
December 21, 2006
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92 ed br
The brakes on my 92 X have started to, occassionally go all the way to the floor. The brakes do eventually stop the vehicle, just not as quickly as one would like( they just make things real interesting) - if you have the time they will pump up. The rest of the time, they seem fine - that is until they decide to be wierd again. I've bled the brakes several times, just get clear fluid. The front pads are good, the rear shoes are good, there's plenty of fluid in the res, and as far as I can tell nothing is leaking. Anybody got any ideas????

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Could be air in the ABS pump, which needs to bled by a special tool which automatically opens and closes the valves apropriately.

If you are still running the original master cylinder, get rid of a new one, not a reman...and replace the booster. After this, go to Ford and have them bleed the HCU (hydraulic control unit for the ABS system).

Mine was having the same symptoms this summer...I did the above, brakes now like new.:thumbsup:

The '92 only has rear ABS and your problem is most likely with the ABS valve.

If it's ABS, wouldn't the light come on? If the light isn't on, I'd suspect the master cylinder.
