Strange Engine Noise 08 Explorer 4.0L V6 SOHC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Strange Engine Noise 08 Explorer 4.0L V6 SOHC


New Member
February 2, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Lexington, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Ford Explorer XLT
Below is a video I took yesterday of a squeaking noise coming from the front of my engine. Once again, it is a 4.0L V6 SOHC engine.

Issue Specifics

My explorer has been making this sound on and off for at least a month now.

It only makes this sound after setting for a long period of time (3+ hours).

It stops making this sound after the engine warms up.

What I Have Already Tried

The belt was going bad, so I replaced it.

I replaced the tensioner assembly.

I replaced the idler pulley.

I thought that it may be related to air in my cooling system, but after flushing and refilling the cooling system, I no longer believe this to be the case.

I had the alternator and the starter checked and they are both fine.

So, after having done all of the above, I'm left scratching my head. Is there anyone on here that recognizes this sound or might know what is causing it? I don't know a whole lot about cars, so it could be something simple that I'm just not familiar with.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read my post!

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I'll definitely check it out in the morning. However, if it was the harmonic balancer, wouldn't the sound remain constant instead of going away after the engine warmed up?

Well, I have some good news. It's definitely not the harmonic balancer! That thing is as solid as it can be, there is no give at all. It's also not the problem covered in that TSB, but thank you for posting it!

I'm pretty sure it's the power steering pump. When I checked the pulleys I noticed that the pulley on the ps pump slides in and out a bit. It doesn't wiggle side to side as much, but I'm pretty sure that the shaft isn't supposed to move in and out.

Thanks for your help guys. Thank god it's not the harmonic balancer!

Okay, well apparently I'm a newb and the ps pump pulley / shaft is supposed to move in and out about a mm. Is this correct guys or is that just bs off the internet? If it is correct, then I'm back to square one.

Oh, and I think I may have a ps fluid leak on top of it all. I noticed that the fluid level was around minimum on Monday of this week, so I topped it off. Today (saturday) it is back on minimum.

I don't think that is related to the noise though, it's definitely a belt noise and not a power steering noise. Any further help would be greatly appreciated.

Track down your PS fluid leak and fix it. The noise will most likely go away after you do that because it is possible that the fluid is getting on the belt or a pulley causing the initial startup noise.

check the water pump. there is a bearing on both ends of the shaft and it's possible that could be part of your problem. sad part is, if that is where the sound comes from, only way to fix is replace Water pump. But check it soon. If in fact that is the problem, there is no telling when it will finally lock up the shaft and cause you bigger problems.

Okay, well apparently I'm a newb and the ps pump pulley / shaft is supposed to move in and out about a mm. Is this correct guys or is that just bs off the internet? If it is correct, then I'm back to square one.

Oh, and I think I may have a ps fluid leak on top of it all. I noticed that the fluid level was around minimum on Monday of this week, so I topped it off. Today (saturday) it is back on minimum.

I don't think that is related to the noise though, it's definitely a belt noise and not a power steering noise. Any further help would be greatly appreciated.
was this ever solved? If so how? have an identical sound on my 2004 explorer on startup.
