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Strange problem


July 23, 2017
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi, UAE
City, State
Livingston, Texas ( home)
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Explorer 4.0
I have a prblem I hope someone N e else had, and can help me get my Explorer fixed. When driving my 1996 ExPlorer, 4.0L V6 auto trans , sometimes it just goes to neutral, or kicks out of over five, or doesn't go into overdrive. Also,, when everything is good, for no reason, the O/D off light comes on. It won't go off until I shut off the car and restart. Sometimes it goes off on its own. The transmission has been rebuilt, and they( USA Transmissions) says its good. I don't know what to do? Is it the valve body? Is there an external shift solenoid on the 5R55e trans? It's crazy. Some days it's perfect, some days it's crazy. What should I do ? Thanks for your input.

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I'd be returning it to USA transmissions assuming you didn't have this problem before it was rebuilt. Obviously it's not "good".

I'd be returning it to USA transmissions assuming you didn't have this problem before it was rebuilt. Obviously it's not "good".
It as there for 6 months and they rebuilt it 3 times. They say it's good.

Check the one the connector on the passenger side ( from under the car). The connector is located between the Tranny and the engine by the tranny drip stick , white connector, high up on the bell housing.

Check the one the connector on the passenger side ( from under the car). The connector is located between the Tranny and the engine by the tranny drip stick , white connector, high up on the bell housing.
What is that conector for ?
