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Strange Shifting


Active Member
August 25, 2018
Reaction score
North Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Explorer XLT 202A
This may be more generic but I have a 2018 and have concerns about the AT shifts.

They seem to be set at some really strange shift points. If I make a turn the revs are too low and when I accelerate a little bit it drops at least 1 gear and takes off like a rabbit. There are also random issues where the transmission makes some hard shifts.

Are these common?

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On the older 5th generations, the Owner's Manual mentioned that the transmission has to 'learn' your driving style. It was called "Automatic Transmission Adaptive Learning" which then adjusted the shifting of the transmission. However, in the later Manuals, 2016 +, it is no longer mentioned so I don't know if that is still a valid issue. How many miles have you put on the Explorer?


Adaptive transmission learning is still in these vehicles... how many miles on yours?

A few "firm" engagements are acceptable when it's first learning.

About 700 miles. But if it is learning, it is learning wrong because of the way I'm driving to try to prevent those rocket takeoffs. Plus, there is no telling what it was learning from the test drives at the lot.

Is there a way to reset it?

There is, but at 700 miles it should be starting to figure it out--might be worth a dealer trip.

About 700 miles. But if it is learning, it is learning wrong because of the way I'm driving to try to prevent those rocket takeoffs. Plus, there is no telling what it was learning from the test drives at the lot.

Is there a way to reset it?
If it works the same as the earlier 5th gen models, the disconnecting the battery for a while, perhaps 10 minutes or so, will cause the relearn process to start over. A few other items, mentioned in the Owner's Manual will also 'relearn'.


There is, but at 700 miles it should be starting to figure it out--might be worth a dealer trip.

Ugh, I dislike (nicest word) going to the dealer. If it doesn't smooth out though I will have to.

If it works the same as the earlier 5th gen models, the disconnecting the battery for a while, perhaps 10 minutes or so, will cause the relearn process to start over. A few other items, mentioned in the Owner's Manual will also 'relearn'.

Thanks for the info. I will dig into the manual to see about what can be relearned. I wish the shift points could be set with the select shift. That would be handy but maybe not the most fuel efficient.
