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Strange Whining noise


October 24, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
New Hope, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Hey guys, I had a new alternator put on my truck about 3 weeks ago, about 2 days later I started hearing this odd whine that got louder when i acclerated. I brought the car back and they took my serpentine belt off and spun everything by hand and determined that it wasnt coming from anything there, and it was coming from the bell housing. I had my transmission rebuilt 5 months ago so i brought it in, they thought the torque converter was bad so they replaced it. The thing is that the car is still making the same noise, and the transmission guy thinks its coming from the catalystic converter.

Does anyone have any ideas, thanks, Jason

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First thing, u can't determine a whine from the alternator by spinning it by hand, DUH, stupid mechanic! have them take it off and spin it fast like your engine would! It also could be loads of different things unfortunately :(, hard to diagnose noises sometimes :(

funny thing was that he actually replaced the alternator a 2nd time, before he realized that the noise wasn't coming from there

Spieg: Your mechanic is probably right that it's coming from your bellhousing. I experienced the same whining noise you're talking about two weeks ago and within a day my transmission was inoperable. My fluid is burnt to a crisp and I have no forward or reverse gears. I'm still diagnosing the problem, but that whining noise was definitely not just a coincidence!

Good luck.

like i said, the transmission place thought that my torque converter was bad so they replaced it under warranty. The transmission guy said that it was still making the noise after that and he thinks its coming from the catalystic converter.

like i said, the transmission place thought that my torque converter was bad so they replaced it under warranty. The transmission guy said that it was still making the noise after that and he thinks its coming from the catalystic converter.

First off, if your mechanic is trying to diagnose a problem simply by throwing parts at it, then it's time for a new mechanic. They will run you in the poor house doing that. I don't take my car to a mechanic for them to simply replace parts and see if the noise goes away. I can do that.

First off, if your mechanic is trying to diagnose a problem simply by throwing parts at it, then it's time for a new mechanic. They will run you in the poor house doing that. I don't take my car to a mechanic for them to simply replace parts and see if the noise goes away. I can do that.

Totally agree. You're are all over the place, here. Your mechanic thinks it's coming from the bellhousing, but your tranny guy thinks it's the catalytic converter? So the alternator (at the TOP of the engine) was replaced (twice?!), and so was your torque converter? Time for a new mechanic. Don't take that personally; we've all been burned by techs who get everything out of a client they can and we just hate to see it happen to people.
