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Stumbling Motor

i would have said it was missing the cap on the vacuum tree

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dude before you go changing the motor buy some new plug wires i had a siular prob and that was my fix.:thumbsup::salute:

dude before you go changing the motor buy some new plug wires i had a siular prob and that was my fix.:thumbsup::salute:

Plug wires wouldn't cause it to burn 1 qt of oil every 200 miles! It's gettin a newer motor to resolve that and the rich smell that can't be tracked down.

Plug wires wouldn't cause it to burn 1 qt of oil every 200 miles! It's gettin a newer motor to resolve that and the rich smell that can't be tracked down.
hah good point, good luck man if you need any help i just got done pulling mine three times and rebuilding it so everything is fresh in my mind:thumbsup:

i wasn't refering to the burning oil prob i was talking about the stumble.:salute:
