Stupid stupid little bolt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stupid stupid little bolt


New Member
October 31, 2017
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLT
I'm sure there is a post somewhere in the site that explains how to get to this stupid bolt but I haven't yet mastered the search feature on this site (I have on my "other car" forum sites).

I picked up a 2002 4.0 V6 and I'm working on the timing chains.

The problem is easy and I"m sure the solution is too but I've never worked on Fords much, except my 1984 F150 which is wwwwaaaaayyyyyy easier than this thing.

Anyway, the upper intake manifold, I got 7 of the 8 bolts, no problem, its that stupid 8th bolt and I'm sure you all know the one I"m talking about, how to get to it if you can't see it? The one back by the firewall..

I'm a big guy and trying to lay over top of the engine and peak down there just isn't working for me at the moment and I don't see my physique changing in the near future.

Any tips on how to get this bolt out without a lot of cursing, throwing of tools and general anger?

Again, I"m sure there is a post somewhere in here but my searches have brought up everything and their brother so be nice to the new guy.


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I was cussin at this same bolt last weekend.

You'll need a 4" + 2" extension and a wobble head behind the Torx head socket.

I leaned on the left fender and reached my hand back into the space until I found the bolt with the small finger on my left hand. Tight as s(&*^t and there is a ridge of some sort just to the drivers side of it. Once I had it located I used my finger to guild the socket into the bolt. You have to do it totally blind or pull the engine or drop the transmission to get at it

Good luck getting it back in. I'm planning on putting mine back together while my engine is still out after my rebuild is done.

Lots of loud cussing is allowed!

I'm sure there is a post somewhere in the site that explains how to get to this stupid bolt but I haven't yet mastered the search feature on this site (I have on my "other car" forum sites).

I picked up a 2002 4.0 V6 and I'm working on the timing chains.

The problem is easy and I"m sure the solution is too but I've never worked on Fords much, except my 1984 F150 which is wwwwaaaaayyyyyy easier than this thing.

Anyway, the upper intake manifold, I got 7 of the 8 bolts, no problem, its that stupid 8th bolt and I'm sure you all know the one I"m talking about, how to get to it if you can't see it? The one back by the firewall..

I'm a big guy and trying to lay over top of the engine and peak down there just isn't working for me at the moment and I don't see my physique changing in the near future.

Any tips on how to get this bolt out without a lot of cursing, throwing of tools and general anger?

Again, I"m sure there is a post somewhere in here but my searches have brought up everything and their brother so be nice to the new guy.

Oh, man! Do I know what you mean! I just removed the "Fantastic Plastic" intake for the second time on my 2004 and I have managed to learn to "do it by Braille". I bought a couple of sets of TORX screwdrivers. One long and one shorter. Those stupid things are torqued to 80 if I remember and you'll need a ratchet to break them loose. Once they're loose, take them out with the TORX driver.

As far as I'm concerned, there a lot of "STUPID STUPID" things on these vehicles and it goes back to the designers. They should all be required to work on these "jewels"!

Best of luck!

Last March I had to replace the fuel pressure sensor which meant I had to deal with that bolt. I finally laid on top of the engine to get it out. Before I tackled it I watched several you tube videos on how to replace the fuel pressure sensor, I think everyone had a different idea on how to get at that bolt.
