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Subs for X-Mas


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2001
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City, State
Santa Clara, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XLT 4x4
My parents said they would help me out with some subs for X-Mas, so here come the cries for advice!!

I'd like to get 2 15s, but some people have said they would be too much. I have heard that 2 12s can hit harder than 2 15s anyway. I want hard hitting bass at high volume, but a clear sound, not just shaking throughout the whole song as I've heard on some people's systems. Any suggestions??

Another possibility is this: we have two brand new JBL 10" GT1000D (Grand Touring Series) subs that are still waiting to be used. Are these crap? Does anyone have any experience with them?

Thanks for your help as always, Happy Holidays!


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what's the price range that you are looking in?

JBL subs arent that great. but they're better than nothing.

I still say stay away from 15's. Like I said I have them and they don't keep up with the beat as good. But hey I could always sell ya mine seeing as I want 12's but I wouldn't recomeend them if you want good clear bass. I would only recomeend themn if you just want deep ass bass.

We have an amp and deck, so I'm thinking +-$300 for the subs...well I think my parents will pay for that much (hopefully), anything more than that I will pick up. So $500 then.

Do you think I should stay away from 15 also Leenjen? If I went with 12s, any suggestions with the mentioned price range? I have heard good things about Audiobahn and Rockford Fosgates.

if you have enough power (700-1000 watts RMS), i recommend an Audiobahn AW1205X. one single subwoofer will hit harder than a pair of most 15s. and it reacts quicker, and has great sound quality and clarity at high volumes. if you can check out the Oct. 2001 issue of Car Audio and Electronics, they did a test of the top four 12" subwoofers. the AW1205X was one of them and it was the only subwoofer to get a perfect score for SPL in car, SPL in lab, enclosure, and clarity at high volume. they even tested it in a very small enclosure (.75 cuft) and with much less power than it's rated rms. you could pick one up for around $210 online.

if you dont have as much power to feed the subwoofer, then check out the Orion HCCA 10" or 12". it hits really hard, but more of an spl sub than an sq sub (it does sound nice, but it was built for spl). if the HCCA doesnt have the sq you're looking for, then there are the XTR PRO series.

also the MMATS PRO subs are good. and Memphis makes some really good subs.

i forgot to add in the first paragraph of my last post; you could also pick up the Audiobahn AW1505X (the 15" version) for a few $$ more than the 1205X. it has the same power handling, but has a higher sensitivity. so it'll hit harder with the same power and is capable of lower frequencies. either one would be a great choice for an awesome system.
