Subwoofer level control? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Subwoofer level control?


Explorer Addict
February 11, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Canton, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Mercury Mountaineer
I hate the subwoofer in my '06 Mounty. When it's just me, I love the overall sound. But with the family in the truck, it's too much bass in the back, even at low volume, for the kids. So I have to turn down the system-bass at the equilizer, but that makes the mains sound tinny. I wish they'd put better full-range speakers in all-around, and pass on the sub altogether. For long trips, I end up popping off the trim and unplugging the sub. But I think the front mains cutoff is too high to get enough bass, even when turning up the EQ.

Just a poor system, and I can't justify the $$$ to correct.
Anyone know an easy way to install a level control for that sub?

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do you have the factory navi, I did not know there was an EQ on that head unit?

You could possibly wire in a potentiometer on the speaker wires to adjust it, but there is no direct setting.

Yes, I have factory navigation. When I say "EQ" it's just the basic tonal adjustments "Bass" and "Treble" in the sound menu.

I don't know much about sound systems. Is wiring in a pot. a simple, safe thing to do? Might there be a simple kit for such a thing? Or is this something worth letting a stereo shop do. Sounds like a easy thing for someone in the business to do. Maybe not too expensive (?).

Yiour bass and trebble are "general" settings meaning the will effect all the speakers not just the sub. a good stereo shop should be able to wire in a pot. i wouldnt try a big box store. look for a good ma-pa type shop.
