Sudden change in fuel consumption. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sudden change in fuel consumption.

June 30, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Explorer XLT 4.0 V6
Our v6 is all off a sudden using a lot more fuel an normally. From 14 l/100 km to 18 l/100 km (roughly 16.8 to 13 mpg).
It happened after we refueled at our normal gas station. Only difference from normal driving is that we drove about 20 miles with a 3000 pound pop up camper.
There are no error codes according to Torque. Any ideas?

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Could be bad gas. 15 mpg would be a dream for my V6. Recent tune-up?

About 1000 miles ago it had a large service: plugs, wires, oil and a bunch of filters.

If you had it tuned up that recently, I can't imagine what would normally go bad, etc. without giving you a code. I still think it was bad gas. I won't recommend a higher octane because I don't understand how octane affects performance = kpg. Find a different brand name supplier and fill up a few tanks to see if it improves. Worst case you take it to the dealer and ask him/her what he did to screw up your truck, Lol!!!

I think we will drive it almost empty and then fill it up somewhere else than normally first.
If that doesn't work then I have to take it in to the dealer. :-/

Pulling 3k will decrease the average mpg. Even for a short time. The computer will record it and will calculate higher fuel consumption for the next x number of miles.
If you do not like it, first thing is to "Reset" the data with reset button :)
Or disconnect the battery, that will also reset the memory for the calculator. Then drive it.
I towed number of trailers with my v8 from 3000 to 6000 lbs and it would take a while to recalcualte normal mpg.
Dealer is the last instance.

Here on Iceland we use octane 95 normally, but I do know that it's not the same quality as for example Germany or Denmark.

I tried resetting the calculator but it is still the same.

How did you determine the mpg numbers ?

Are you reading them from the dashboard ?

Sounds about right for a 3000 lbs popup. Mind drops from 12l/100k to 24 in a good headwind with my 3500lbs hybrid. With no wind I run around 18. Thats with OD off at 100kmph at 2500 rpm. Perhaps your OD is stuck off?

I calculate it my self. I always reset the trip when I refuel.
The dashboard normally stands around 14 l/100 but is now at 18. And jumping a lot up and down where it used to be steady.
The number on the dash is not far from what I calculate my self.

I noticed something today when I was out driving. If I'm driving e.g. 35 mph and let go of the gas pedal the throttle is (according to Torque) still around 18-19. But when I come to complete stop it drops down to around 15-15.5
Is this normal?

Refueled today at another station that sells octane 98. Still the same.
