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Suggestions on my Ex' Please

You've got a Superlift 5.5" kit with Superrunner steering (that should be modified so that the tierods are lined up properly with the axle... centerlink needs to come down about 2-3" lower).

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THANK YOU!!! Thats exactly what I needed to know. How would I go about droping the center link?

No, it's not. I almost bought a 8.8 with new discs, 4.56s, and a Lockrite for $300. He's factoring in the cost of the bracket kit. Find one with the gears you need, as the install of the gears is one of the biggest costs in building the axle.

Good point. I thought that was a little much. So what would be a good choice for gears and a locker? and semi-affordable.

On a budget you can rebuild an 8.8 traclock to grab pretty damn hard or throw in a lunchbox locker like a Lockrite. For the front, do a Lockrite style also. You can use a rear Jeep D35 locker (but not gears) and they constantly have them up for sale. For gears I'd run nothing but Dana gears in the front and FRPP gears in the back. Just my preference, but they cost.

As much as I love to save money Id rather cough up the extra cash for something thats gonna work damn good and be reliable in that manner so im not affraid of an extra week of work to have enough $$$. Ill keep reaserching till I'm absolutly ready to do this. First thing is actually getting the axle. I found one for $80 and in pretty good condition just no brakes which is fine cuz I am re-building this whole thing anyways

Thanks a lot for the help. Please feel free to tell me anything else I need to know. I love learning ANY info for my ex. And I dont mind being put in my place. Talk it up!

Im gonna pull this thing in right now and get to cutting and welding. Got the day off so why not. Thank you! I cant even tell you how bad my steering is on this thing! I figured a stabilizer would'nt solve the true problem with tyhe steering just kinda hide it.

You guys have already helped me out sooo much. Thanks again 4x4junkie!!!

No problem, I'm here to help :chug:
