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Sunk the Ranger


My cousin 89 Ranger. Just got done workin on it the night before this. We put in a d35 explorer front end and he had to try it out. Should have had a snorkel haha. It also has explorer rearend. 3.73 trac-lok. 4.0 swap with a 5 speed. 37 inch buckshots. he drowned the engine. kept tryin to crank it. Ended up pullin spark plugs and turned it over. it pushed water out of the cylinders. still wouldnt start after that. i pulled him off to finally start it up and needless to say it did end up damaging the engine. we havent started on it yet to figure out what. Its burnin oil like crazy afterward so it cant be good.

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Gateway buckshots?!?!?!

and yeahpppp. that thing is sunk.

yea they are gateway buckshots. bias-ply. very good pulling tire.

I've heard lots of outrageous claims about them (better and louder than boggers, last forever, good highway tire as well).

I'd love to find a place that sells them but it's been pretty hard to do that. Where and when did you get yours?

I think he bought those back in 2000 but didnt start using them till here recently. got them from our local co-op.

Its burnin oil like crazy afterward so it cant be good.
Hydrolock. He tried to compress the water in the cylinders when he was cranking it with water in them. Liquids don't compress so probably he broke some piston rings, mabye even bended some connecting rods, cracked pistons if the engine was running at high rpm's while sucking water in...

