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Super Swamper SSR's

Just got a set of the new Super Swamper SSR's. They are incredible. They ride like street tires with very little noise(compared to Thornbirds). Off-road, they come siped and hold very well to rocks and tight obstacles. In the mud, they tear through anything and the tread kicks any mud out, keeping a clean and aggressive platform for momentum.

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What size are you using? How did they balance, Ive been told Super Swampers are difficult to balance. Finally, do you have any experience on wet roads with them yet? I would be interested in hearing more.


91 Navajo

Does anyone know if swampers run small? I run 31x10.50 BFG A/T's, and they rub a little. I borrowed a set of 32x11.50 TSL SX's and they did not rub at all. 32 inch BFG M/T's hit the bumper and fender when I try to turn the wheel. The new TSL's were a hair taller than the worn A/T's, but much shorter than the M/T's. I would like the SSR's, but can't try them on because no one stocks them. I always figured the size on the sidewall was accurate, but I guess not. Oh yeah, all have been tried with 15x8 inch rims. Any clues on this? How can I get an accurate measurement?

[This message has been edited by Shaggy (edited 11-03-1999).]

I am running the 35x14.5x15 SSR's. They balanced very well. When I ran the same size thornbirds, it took up to 32oz. to balance the tires. The SSR's only took 9oz. at the most. They seem to do well in the rain. If you want an exact spec. on tire height/width, call National Tire and they can give you the true diminsions.

i have been looking at the SSR, and am thinking about getting them. i have federal m/t right now and they have 17k on them, and are about 3/4 gone. my federals are really loud, and im looking for something thats got some noise. how loud are the ssr's? do they have the infamous super swamper roar?

Holly old thread.:D

Holly old thread.:D

We're gonna party like it's 1999.

As for the SSR's they were probably the worst tire i've ever owned. They didn't wear well and one got so out of round it got egg shaped and finally blew out...maybe I get a bad set.

If you like loud tires, just go with the standard TSL radials.

1999!!! wow lol

i have been looking at the SSR, and am thinking about getting them. i have federal m/t right now and they have 17k on them, and are about 3/4 gone. my federals are really loud, and im looking for something thats got some noise. how loud are the ssr's? do they have the infamous super swamper roar?

as DB1 said, not as loud as your typical swamper. I owned the SSRs and though I didn't put a lot of miles on them, the wheelin miles really chewed them up in a hurry. They were still quiet on the HWY after they were chunked out and never got "flat spots" like the bias ply tires get.

I wouldn't buy them again personally.

as DB1 said, not as loud as your typical swamper. I owned the SSRs and though I didn't put a lot of miles on them, the wheelin miles really chewed them up in a hurry. They were still quiet on the HWY after they were chunked out and never got "flat spots" like the bias ply tires get.

I wouldn't buy them again personally.

JC!!!!! reviving a ten year old thread

We're gonna party like it's 1999.

As for the SSR's they were probably the worst tire i've ever owned. They didn't wear well and one got so out of round it got egg shaped and finally blew out...maybe I get a bad set.

If you like loud tires, just go with the standard TSL radials.

how long do tsl radials last on the road properly inflated, balanced, and rotated?

how long do tsl radials last on the road properly inflated, balanced, and rotated?

Yeah, I'm wondering if anyone could provide insight to this question. I just bought a pair of tsl's with about 80% tread left and I want an idea of how long they'll last me.

some threads just never Die :D J/K

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