supercharger is installed!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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supercharger is installed!!!


Well-Known Member
October 23, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Fitzgerald GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Mountaineer
This weekend I installed the M90 supercharger and rpcaster intake manifold on my mounty. We still haven't worked all the bugs out yet but, it's coming along nicely.
If anyone else is thinking of doing this to their third gen be warned it takes 9 hours to put this kit on a ranger and about twice as long for a third gen mounty or explorer. The rpcaster kit is designed for a sohc 2002 ranger which is similar but with some differences that makes you modify the kit.

Ok lets begin.
you have to take out your intake and maf.
then unhook your iac valve also your egr.

then unbolt your intake manifold.

stuff a balled up shop towel in each one of the ports.
clean them and the contact area with tb cleaner and a toothbrush
unbolt your fuel rails and remove the injectors.
now tape over the intake ports to ensure that nothing falls in.

remove your injectors and clean them with the same cleaner.
insert them into your new fuel rails making sure the blue fitting is facing forward.


take the an8 ends off of the line in the kit and then put them on a fuel line that is about 13 inches. You need your own steel braided fuel line to go onto the factory fuel line. the peice included in the kit is not long enough.(ranger fuel lines are on the opposite side of third gens).

with that done now it is time to put on the intake manifold.
use a just enough sealant to keep it from gushing into your ports when you tighten it down.

sealant up the bottom of the supecharger then attach it to the lid the manifold.
Afterwards seal up the the top of the intake manifold and bolt down the top plate.

now onbolt the egr pipe off of your passengers side exhaust manifold and cut it at the highest and straightest point. put one of the 45's on it from the kit. attach the copper tubing to the 45. slide the plenum in to see where the copper tube needs to be cut. once cut attach another 45 to it. put a healthy dose of sealant everywhere you can on the plenum as it will be the most likely to leak. start attach all of the vacuum hoses and sensors. use the with in the kit to lengthen you iac valve sensor wire.
attach your intake and maf.
then you need to remove your upper radiator hose. put the belt on. attach the hose back to the thermostat housing. the hose is going to need to moved off the belt. to do so get some exhaust straps and move the hose.

with that done you will need to attach the throttle cable. The peice from the kit will have to be modified because rangers throttle bodies pull opposite of ours.

*There are probably a few things I have left out, It's been a long weekend*

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Very very sick!! :eek:

So what sort of bugs haven't you figured out yet?

And congrats on following through with this, lots of people say they are going to strap a turbo or s/c on but never actually do. Gonna be loud and fast. Who's doing your tuning?

here is a pic of the finished product. sorry I forgot to list it.

So what sort of bugs haven't you figured out yet?

And congrats on following through with this, lots of people say they are going to strap a turbo or s/c on but never actually do. Gonna be loud and fast. Who's doing your tuning?

Thanks man, I am thinking about going to a place about 20 miles from here called shivers diesel.

good god that looks awesome brother:thumbsup:.... gunna post some videos soon? im quite interested to see how she does... oh and what compression are u running? cuz it looks like ur using the stock pulley

as of right now I am getting around 3 psi off of the stock pulley. when my 2.8" pulley arrives I will tune it and make videos for everyone.

dude how much did that set you back? its amazing! i want a turbo from my X but never really see ppl turbo them or supercharge very nice tho!! 5 *'s

I payed $1650 for the kit and $350 for the supercharger you will also need about $100 worth of odds and ends.

looks greatt...did u end up having to move the coil pack or was it a right fit?

the coil pack stayed where it was. The only thing that made any trouble was the upper radiator hose. It wasn't anything that some exhaust clamps couldn't fix though.

u got videos of the supercharger

Not yet, I was going to wait until my 2.8" pulley gets here either tomorrow or Wednesday.

2g's for a s/c... thats not a bad price at all.
cant wait to hear and see what it puts out.

btw you have the 4.0L engine right?

that is a good price i saw a supercharger for my x and it is 4,000 bux

2g's for a s/c... thats not a bad price at all.
cant wait to hear and see what it puts out.

btw you have the 4.0L engine right?

It is a 4.0 sohc 2002 model and quite possibly one of the most difficult to put the kit on. The drive by wire guys may have it worse but, I haven't heard of any of them putting this kit on.

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Very nice install... I have the same engine and have been looking into forced induction. I'm just trying to figure out how did you connect the EGR tube, does the kit have extra copper tubing? Also,why could'nt you just switch the fuel rails and use the hose that came with the kit or do they fit only one way? Can the throttle position sensor wire stretch to where the TB is? Sorry to ask so many question, but it looks great.
