Superlift 5.5 SOA Lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Superlift 5.5 SOA Lift

Can Explorer

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June 2, 2002
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'93 Explorer
I'm looking at lift kits for my soon-to-be explorer and I saw a superlift 5.5 inch with relocation brackets. How much welding does this invovle and could this be done by a local welding shop? Or would I be better off going with a 4 inch tuff country lift and a body lift?\

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you dont have to weld, just cut off the old shock mounts , although i did spot weld my rear brackets cause they slipped alittle. you also have to grind off and punch out the hot rivits for the drop down bracket on the driverside in front, that is a pita but not too bad, hope this helps

how much did u guys get a quote for the kit? they qoute me 140 for the kit? i thought the kit is just the brakeet. maybe they gave me the wrong info.

Hey MadMike, since you've done the 5.5 before maybe you can help me out too. I'm going to put it in this weekend. I have some time tonight so I thought I'd install the extended radius arm brackets only to save some time this weekend. Can I do this without making the truck undriveable? It's my daily work vehicle.

it is just the bracket you have to modify your old one to put on top of the springs like this


  • leafbracket.jpg
    55.4 KB · Views: 539

and this is the top


  • topleafbrkt.jpg
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and this is the top


  • topleafbrkt.jpg
    46.8 KB · Views: 433

Mike, Got 2 questions for you.:D

1: Can you cut off the old sway bar mounts off the rear axle? And how??

2: Why are you running your truck with no muffler??:p

Originally posted by studdedx
Mike, Got 2 questions for you.:D

1: Can you cut off the old sway bar mounts off the rear axle? And how??

2: Why are you running your truck with no muffler??:p

I dont know why you would like to cut off the sway bar mounts, I'm thinking about using mine for some shock mount points, and my muffler got hung up a while back and ripped it off so used a sawzall to get it out of the way till i can get a flowmaster on, i'm just lazy i guess. I was just showing how you had to cut the old shock mounts to clear the shocks when you put the old plate on top :D

There just there doing nothing but getting hung up on rocks. I thought about just whackin the ends off but that would look dumb.

Could I just use a grinder or something?? Take awhile but it'd work.

thanks for the suggestions, what all is involved in modifying the rear for put the springs over the axle. dont you need to weld on a new perch on the axle? Might be a dumb question but id like to know what im getting into.

did you look at the picts ????? it just sits on the axle but i spot welded mine so it wouldn't move.

thanks for the pics they will prove to be helpful when my kit comes in

Does the superlift kit set the angle correctly, or do you still need to figure it out?

The Superlift kit doesn't automatically set the angle. But all you have to do is measure the distance between the old perches and the new. When the front is equal to the rear you'll know they're parallel, which is what you want.
