superlift vs trailmaster for 95+ X | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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superlift vs trailmaster for 95+ X

i cant right now- i can when i get home at 5-30

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You can get the Superlift for $1400 on

thats what i though but then i read it came with rear springs as well... i dont know... maybe i should just stick with the 3" body lift and the tt and shackles.....

the one from 4wheelparts does too.

I see that John- thanks- this says it includes the rear springs also

so does anyone know if the front driveshaft is needed? can i use my stock one?? i am also AWD at this time

you can buy the one from superlift, or get yours modified. I sent you an email.

Xploder didn't replace his shaft at first and thought it was fine. But I think after some offroading, he determined he did infact he needed the Superlift shaft.

thanks guys-

Don't get Trailmaster!!

trailmaster steering system set up is a piece of junk. I saw one today that was all worn out. Lots and lots of play on the adapters that go into the stock tie rod ends. Couln't even turn the truck safely. And this was a low mileage and hardly off roaded truck. Ball joint spacers that are a junk design. Superlift spindle set up is way better.

The superlift rocks compared to the trailmaster kit. And yes, even though it may work at first, the superlift driveshaft is the way to go, don't use the stock one. Do some searches, I've posted some things to keep an eye out for when installing the lift. Good luck.

So far I am still running with the stock shaft. For some reason, Mine was different than Dave's. I have a double carden style shaft and don't know if that makes a dif or not. What are some things to look for to show i need a different one??

what's so good about the superlift shaft? It would be hella cheaper to just get the stock shaft lengthened.
Or does it have more to do with angles? Which will still be cheaper to get the stock one fixed, rather than spend another $300 on a shaft.
