Suspension lift/tire question on Gen 1 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Suspension lift/tire question on Gen 1 Explorer


January 11, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
West bygod
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Sport
I am currently on stock suspension. My friend has a new 4 inch lift. I have the aluminum stock wheels. What max size tire can I use for the lift/wheel size? Thanks!

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Check this out: Dead Link Removed

I appreciate the link! Do you think that 33x12.5's will fit on my factory rims? I dont care if they balloon. Thoughts?

They Will fit but you won't be able to air the tires down much if you go off-road, and I won't suggest doing it.*

*Just covering myself. :)

Cool, I had 35x12.5's on 15x8's and it looked okay. Im not gonna do much airing down to climb rocks. Just missing having a lifted truck. The Lightning is alot of fun but fourwheeling is good too. Thanks!

I thought stocks were 15X7. I know you are not supposed to put 33 x 12.5 on 15x7 but you still can do it.

However you can find all the information that you are looking for by using the search feature on thi site.
