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Suspension overhaul on 02 X


Active Member
March 3, 2011
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05 Eddie Bauer 4WD
Alright guys, plan on taking my vehicle overseas with me on my upcoming PCS to Germany. Vehicle currently has 154k miles on it; its a 2wd and everything still runs great, tranny shifts alright, engine running the way its suppose to (no rattle sound from timing chain). (KNOCK ON WOOD, KNOCK ON WOOD) So far i've ordered $602 on parts from rockauto with me still needing to order about $700 worth of more parts. So here it goes what i've physically got sitting in my possesion are:

Monroe Quick Strut (front) x2
Timken Hub Assembly with cable (front) x2
Movotech sway bar bushings
Dorman Upper Control Arm (front) x2

Though not part of the suspension I plan on doing a minor tune up which I have right now:

Motorcraft SP500 spark plugs x6
Motorcraft WR6096 spark plug wire
Motorcraft FG1036 fuel filter

What I also still need to order which falls under the $700 category is:

Monroe Quick Strut (rear) x2
Raybestos front caliper with pads x2(reason being, just changed pads last year and rotor already showing signs of damage from pads)
Motorcraft tie rod ends x2
Dorman lower control arm x2 (dont feel like pressing ball joints, replacing bushings)
Centric rotors (front) x2

Things I know some are thinking is the rear, the rear rotors are in great condition, just the front, as for the control arm in the back I might consider replacing it also. The cv axel drive shaft are in good condition.

Reason for posting all this information is to see if there is anything I can be missing from any of yawl suspension guru's out there. As I posted in another thread, I am the second owner on this vehicle with the original being an elderly couple who took great care of it, based off what the Ford mechanic told me who always converse with the couple everytime they brought it in for any service required. I purchased it at 75k miles on it, dont know honestly if the tranny was flush during their tenure of ownership, my fear is, a vehicle having that many miles on it, would be safe to have it flushed or just leave as. Basically the old saying kicks in, "if it isnt broke, dont fix it" comes into play. My worry is if I have it flushed, it will start to give me problems.


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make sure to check the rear sway bar bushings; mine had rotted out by 160K miles... and the front and rear stabilizer bar link bushings, one of my fronts was completely gone, others cracked/dried out....

Goldsboring...yuk yuk that's good.... I grew up on Seymour Johnson AFB long ago...

make sure to check the rear sway bar bushings; mine had rotted out by 160K miles... and the front and rear stabilizer bar link bushings, one of my fronts was completely gone, others cracked/dried out....

Goldsboring...yuk yuk that's good.... I grew up on Seymour Johnson AFB long ago...

Yeah thats where I am currently stationed, safe and quiet town for the most part, but 4 years here is good enough, ready to move on and see new places which is one of my reasons for joining the military.

Yeah thanks for the info. I have to look into it.

I take it that it won't be driven much (check price of gas over there), and it won't need much service (since shops that can fix it are nil), that no parts will be needed (none available off the shelf over there) and that you don't plan on getting any money for it (no one over there would give you anything for it), or brining it back (why bother?).

Other than that . . . .

Just sayin' why not let the guvmint ship a car that makes more sense?

Yeah I get what you are saying, we have 3 vehicles period, I have my 09' GMC Sierra which is lifted, which of course isnt even leaving the country and my old lady has 10 VW Tiguan, which would be the more ideal vehicle to take. Both my wife and I are Mil to Mil so right now we are also discussing taking two cars or just leaving one behind. Either way if I dont take the Explorer with me, the work and parts i've listed above have to be done, I still owe one more year on it and I am not about to continue on paying on something that is broke, which I know I could possibly sell it. With the price of gas shooting up again, going to be hard finding a buyer for an SUV, but since i've owned it its been a great vehicle and if anything can give it back to my mom to drive seeing she needs a car. I've been to Germany numerous of times and seen plenty of American cars on the road to include many models from Ford and having a hobby shop on base allows you to work on your vehicle and if anything can pay them to get it fix.
