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Sway bars


Well-Known Member
October 10, 2006
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Lenoir, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Limited
How important are sway bars? If I took it off would it matter?

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They are there for a reason IMO. When I used to wheel my trucks I always left the front one on and removed the rear when wheeling. You could always get the sway bar disconnects but they can be a PITA.

How important are sway bars? If I took it off would it matter?

I think that for regular driving they are pretty important; they help keep your truck stable when you make turns...

For sport trucks, the thicker the sway bars, the less sway/lean-to-sides they will have.

I've heard that some people remove them when they do a lot of off-roading; when not present, more flex of the axles is allowed....

You will get a lot more body roll without them. I don't run any on my F150 with 10" lift and 37's....I can't grip corners with Hondas but that's not what she's built for. I also have a coilsprung solid front axle where as you have independant front suspension so that will probably make a differance. If you dont want the sway bar when you offroad try making some kind of disconnect...I'm sure someone on this site has done that.

I wish I could get them to stop squeaking. I have put on poly bushings and sprayed a boat load of lubricant on them but they still squeak when I go over a medium or larger bump.

Did you clean off the sway bar and the frame where the bushings bump up against? I put a set of Moog bushings on my front and i used brake cleaner to clean the sway bar and a wire brush and brake cleaner to clean off the part of the frame where it bumps up to and havent had a single squeak. I installed them like 2 months ago.

Did you clean off the sway bar and the frame where the bushings bump up against? I put a set of Moog bushings on my front and i used brake cleaner to clean the sway bar and a wire brush and brake cleaner to clean off the part of the frame where it bumps up to and havent had a single squeak. I installed them like 2 months ago.

I might need to check that.

I took them off handles way better

On a coil sprung suspension I would deffinetly leave sway bars on when not off roading where as leaf sprung vehicles are fine most of the time my old wrangler had no sway bars or track bars.
