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Sync 3 issues


Active Member
March 22, 2017
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Explorer Sport
Picked up a 2018 Expy Sport w/ 16500 miles last Thursday. Loving the vehicle so far, but the Sync 3 is acting up. Our 2016 did not have Sync 3 so this is our first experience with this unit. The day after we bought the vehicle we took a trip to St Louis. Used Apple Car Play almost exclusively for NAV and music. This may be coincidence, but I enabled Ford Pass on Tuesday and soon after the screen began locking up. NAV will go black or just lock up the entire screen. I did the power button and seek up button reboot and it would be OK for a few minutes then lock up again. Did a master reset last night and thought that fixed it, but no luck. Seems like the NAV is the culprit. Running Sync v3.0.

Anyone else have this issue with Sync 3? I tried searching and found a few posts, but nothing definitive. Vehicle is back at the dealer today getting checked out. Wife and youngest son are heading out-of-town this weekend so hopefully the dealer can get it fixed.

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I would start by turning off Ford Pass and see if clears up. Seems like it worked fine until you turned it on. Does Car Play still work and just the native Nav not work?

Turning off Ford Pass didn't fix the issue. Took car to dealer on Thursday and they diagnosed it as a bad APIM and ordered a new one. We will schedule repair once parts come in, but I will add that now the screen is locked up completely and neither the front or rear cameras show up. Hope this is all related to bad APIM.

Took Explorer in yesterday and they replaced APIM. All is fixed now.

Thanks for reporting back what fixed your issue...many times threads are left hanging when the OP blows everyone off and skips out...again, thank you.

No doubt. Wanted to make sure to post the follow-up as I have been one of those that have searched on other issues, with other auto makes, on other forums and come up empty.

To add to this, the morning we were taking the car in to get APIM replaced, the Explorer had a dead battery and would not start. I was already at work so I called dealer. Service manager and one of the techs came to the house, got it started and took it to the dealership. They think that the bad APIM caused a parasitic drain on the battery and killed it. My wife said she had noticed it starting a little harder than normal. At any rate, the dealer also replaced the battery. So far, so good. I will update this thread if an issue returns.

I could never figure out why it was so difficult to update SYNC3 over WiFi.......read this guys story dealing with Ford IVT and using WiFi standard 802.11r

Ford Wifi Is Broken

My vehicle did report the successful update over WiFi.


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