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Sync update


Active Member
June 20, 2011
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2020 ST
Finally got a letter from Ford about the update (need to take it in ) and also got a recall for the cooling fan. The wife is going on a trip next weekend so I"ll take it in to have that done and get an oil change as well. She should be able to tell me how well she likes it when she gets back.

On a side note had a great walleye fishing trip to Lake Erie for a week :)

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Finally got a letter from Ford about the update (need to take it in ) and also got a recall for the cooling fan. The wife is going on a trip next weekend so I"ll take it in to have that done and get an oil change as well. She should be able to tell me how well she likes it when she gets back.

On a side note had a great walleye fishing trip to Lake Erie for a week :)
You are one of the lucky ones on this Forum. You can get both taken care of with one trip. Most of us have to do it in two visits. I had the MFT update done in March (still waiting for the letter) and the cooling fan (12B36) done yesterday.
Glad to hear your fishing trip went well. I haven't done any fishing for many years.


Got the 2 updates done today and on the way out the service manager told me I'd be getting a packet in the mail with the memory stick and the new nav version. I thought I wasn't going to get that? In any event my nav is not upgraded yet and he told me to bring it if/when it showed up.

Anyone know if I'm still supposed to get this in the mail even though syncmyride told me to go to dealer for the upgrade.

Got the 2 updates done today and on the way out the service manager told me I'd be getting a packet in the mail with the memory stick and the new nav version. I thought I wasn't going to get that? In any event my nav is not upgraded yet and he told me to bring it if/when it showed up.

Anyone know if I'm still supposed to get this in the mail even though syncmyride told me to go to dealer for the upgrade.
No, you won't get anything in the mail if syncmyride said that it was a dealer install. The dealer is supposed to have a supply of the A3 S/D cards and is supposed to install it along with doing the Performance Update for the MFT.
Better get in touch with them again and if they say they don't have the card, then they have to order it for you. Have someone from the IVT team call them if they seem confused.


Peter is right. If it is a dealer install, you won't get the stick in the mail. (maybe the shaft, but not the stick)

I went thru the same hassle at the dealer for mine. They swore up and down I would get the stick in the mail. I told them to go to the website for my car and look it up themselves. then the light went on in their head. They said, well... we'll have to order it for you.

So I had to make yet, another trip to the dealer (with an IQ of a post), after he ordered the update, then wait for it to come in to him, and then wait for him to figure out what it was for, and then wait to get it installed.

Luckily Ford did a pretty good job with it. I haven't had any problems at all since the upgrade...yet. But it's been about a month since it was done. And I like the new graphics and procedures...except of course for the infamous missing temperature gauge on the main screen.;)

Stay on top of the dealer.

Good luck.

Alright guys thanks for the info. Haven't had any trouble with the dealership and it was a new ( to me ) service advisor so he may not know the routine. I'll give them a call later today. Rob

Got the 2 updates done today and on the way out the service manager told me I'd be getting a packet in the mail with the memory stick and the new nav version. I thought I wasn't going to get that? In any event my nav is not upgraded yet and he told me to bring it if/when it showed up.

Anyone know if I'm still supposed to get this in the mail even though syncmyride told me to go to dealer for the upgrade.

I had by two updates done today. I am one that had to have the dealer do it. They asked if I had a drive or SD card, but when I said no, they did not claim that I should have.

Alright guys thanks for the info. Haven't had any trouble with the dealership and it was a new ( to me ) service advisor so he may not know the routine. I'll give them a call later today. Rob


Did your dealer perform the upgrade for you? If not, I suggest calling 800-392-4040. One of our reps will be able to call your dealership and get it setup for you.



Did your dealer perform the upgrade for you? If not, I suggest calling 800-392-4040. One of our reps will be able to call your dealership and get it setup for you.


Yes they did. But as I said they told me I'd be getting a packet in the mail with the nav upgrade . I guess my question is will I be getting a packet? I was told by the sync site to print out the paper and take it to the dealer so that's what I did.

They updated the sync but not the Nav.

Yes they did. But as I said they told me I'd be getting a packet in the mail with the nav upgrade . I guess my question is will I be getting a packet? I was told by the sync site to print out the paper and take it to the dealer so that's what I did.

They updated the sync but not the Nav.

Sorry! I misunderstood your other post.

You won't be receiving the flash drive or SD card in the mail. They should've provided you with a new SD card for your navigation. The 800 number I provided above will be able to set that up with your dealer, as well.


Awesome! Thanks for your help, Rob

Well the dealer apparently read the feedback survey I posted in an email because the service manager called the wife and told her he told me the wrong thing; they did update the Nav to the newest version and it was $123 for it.

I paid the bill and I only paid for an oil change so I'm not sure what he thinks the $123 was for. Is there a way to look at the sd card and tell if it's the latest version?

In any event thanks to the Ford team here for offering to help out, It really is appreciated

The new SD card for Nav clearly says A3 on it, you should not have paid ANYTHING for the Nav card.......Its part of the performance upgrade

$123 is one pretty expensive oil change.


cnsheets is correct. You will not be charged for the SD card and it should be marked A3 if it's the new one. If it's the incorrect card, you will be getting a navigation fault error on your MFT screen. Take a look at it when you get a chance and let us know what it says.


Well the dealer apparently read the feedback survey I posted in an email because the service manager called the wife and told her he told me the wrong thing; they did update the Nav to the newest version and it was $123 for it.

I paid the bill and I only paid for an oil change so I'm not sure what he thinks the $123 was for. Is there a way to look at the sd card and tell if it's the latest version?

In any event thanks to the Ford team here for offering to help out, It really is appreciated
If the dealer charged up for the MFT Performance Upgrade then you should report that to Ford and the IVT team. Either the dealer is not aware there is no cost for this or is trying to make some $$ on the side.
As cnsheets said, the new Nav card is an A3.



I only paid for an oil change ($17) so I don't know why they told my wife that the upgrade was $123 and that I'd paid for it. In any event I went out and checked and I do have the current card (A3)

I'm not sure why the service advisor told my wife that, other than he got his ass chewed for the so so survey result. The guy was new , to me at least ,so I'm willing to give him a pass on this one .

In any event cheers to everyone here for the great advice!

I only paid for an oil change ($17) so I don't know why they told my wife that the upgrade was $123 and that I'd paid for it. In any event I went out and checked and I do have the current card (A3)

I'm not sure why the service advisor told my wife that, other than he got his ass chewed for the so so survey result. The guy was new , to me at least ,so I'm willing to give him a pass on this one .

In any event cheers to everyone here for the great advice!
I wonder if perhaps the $123 is what the cost to he dealer was to do the upgrade. A cost that will be billed to Ford. Just a guess. I hope that you are enjoying the Ex as much as I am.


My wife and I both love it. Even though it's "her" car, if we have a long trip to take I usually drive it. To be honest my only real complaint is that I don't like how low the arm rests are. Other than that we love the styling and features (when they work properly )

My wife and I both love it. Even though it's "her" car, if we have a long trip to take I usually drive it. To be honest my only real complaint is that I don't like how low the arm rests are. Other than that we love the styling and features (when they work properly )

Hopefully you go on a lot of long trips ;)


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