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May 16, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Ltd & XLT
I just went to the Ford Support website and I got the following message when I tried to log in:


We're getting a tune-up!

Please excuse our downtime, but we're currently working on bringing you a new and improved Owner Support site. Check back soon to start using the new experience


Hmmmm.....could we be getting the MTF 3.6 Update?????

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I just went to the Ford Support website and I got the following message when I tried to log in:


We're getting a tune-up!

Please excuse our downtime, but we're currently working on bringing you a new and improved Owner Support site. Check back soon to start using the new experience


Hmmmm.....could we be getting the MTF 3.6 Update?????
This was mentioned in a post in the IVT threads yesterday. I don't think it has anything to do with the update but rather the merging of the 2 sites. But, I could be wrong.


MFT v3.6.2 is now available.

But the server isn't available.


whatchutalkinbout, Willis?

I'm downloading it right now.

whatchutalkinbout, Willis?

I'm downloading it right now.
This what I received when I went to www.syncmyride and also the other Ford site;

Service Unavailable - DNS failure
The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.
Reference #11.f72bf648.1375645756.1497f8ed


This what I received when I went to www.syncmyride and also the other Ford site;

Service Unavailable - DNS failure
The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.
Reference #11.f72bf648.1375645756.1497f8ed


I guess Ford's updating US customers first???

I guess Ford's updating US customers first???
I finally managed to get and when I logged in and checked it said my Version 3.5.1 is up to date.
Guess I'll try in a day or so.
Thanks for the info.


Just downloaded 3.6. As soon as I logged in it told me there was an update available.

Took about 30-40 minutes to download. Took the full 30 minutes to install and rebooted the system 5 times.

Some things I noticed now that I didn't before (doesn't mean they weren't there)

1. Right LED now shows time and outdoor temperature. I'm pretty sure this is new only because I watched the display change and add it to the bottom.

2. Compass direction shows up in the Navigation top section when the compass is not displayed onscreen.

3. Driver and passenger temp now show on Climate bar when in a different full screen mode.

4. My iPhone was still showing the same "maybe I'll connect / maybe I won't" Bluetooth function.

5. The WiFi password keyboard bug has been fixed so you can now enter an alpha-numeric password successfully.

6. The screens do seem to function a bit faster. Not sure if this is due to the restarts or the update.

I logged on to syncmyride and it said the v3.6 was ready to download.

Tried with MacBook Pro using Mountain Lion and Safari as the browser, wouldnt load update.

Tried Google Chrome on MacBook, it said I needed Java 7, downloaded Java 7 and it told me Chrome doesnt support Java 7 so no update loaded.

Went to a Windows PC and it loaded right away.

Took just under 30 mins in the Explorer to download.

Got it done. A few times during the update everything went dark for a couple of minutes which was a bit scary. other than that smooth update process.

First impressions:
Click responsiveness is way up.
DST setting is gone but GPS time is still one hour back.
Will see if 911 Assist still nags tomorrow.
