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Synthetic Oil


October 8, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Central PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT 4D 4WD
I have a 97 XLT with 80+K miles and was about to switch to Mobil 1.

The mechanic I used warned me that once I use synthetic oil, I can't switch back or add a quart of the dino stuff if it gets low. He also said the synthetic oil has been known to cause problems with rubber seals in higher mileage vehicles.

Is it time to change mechanics?

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synth oil

1. You can switch back and forth between dino and synth at any time in any engine.
2. Synth is more "slippery" than dino and can leak past seals that dino wont. In other words, if your engine leaks with dino, it will leak more with synth.
3. synth oil does not cause leaks or harm seals in any way.

Yes' he is full of do do.

You may revert to dino oil if you want, but why would you want to.

Synthetic oil does not "cause" leaks.

Fire that moron.

What are you doing

¿What are you doing going to Firestone anyways? and worse ¿Why are you listening to them? :D:D JK

I ran mobil 1 in my old mustang gt 5.0 and never had a problem with leaking. It had 125,000 miles on it when i traded it in for my ex and it still was not leaking.

you could switch back and forth as your wallet allows it. damn synthetic is not worth the money in my honest down to earth opinion. sorry. your engine will outlast everything else on your truck as long as you take care of it and change your oil every 3-4 months.

when was the last time you see someone here posted a thread saying, "help! my engine seized on regular oil!"

My 91 Explorer started to get really bad valve train rattle. Did some research, and found that the lifters are prone to plugging up, and causing the rattle.

Tried the Mobile1 oil to see if it would help, and the valve train rattle is virtually eliminated.

I'm sticking with Mobil1. It's keeping the annoying "sewing machine" noise at bay.


Synthetic is only premium dino-oil...

Originally posted by wpurple
Synthetic is only premium dino-oil...


Are you speaking of group III semi-synthetic oils or as a generalization? It's true that the cheaper group 3 basestocks started life as "dino" but synthetic group 4/5 basestocks are tailored to order. Check with a non-marketing faq for an intro to some of the differences. Lubrizol has good stuff if you're willing to dig. Here's their 10K overview:

Back out and you can find all kinds of answers to oil/lubrication questions.



Its a pure chemical congured up in a lab. Yes, the elements have to come from somewhere. But, its a lot more involved than that.


Castrol Syntec uses hydrocracked dino base stocks, but Mobil 1, and Amsoil- among others- don't. They use PAOs (polyalphaolaphins) as a base. These are true non-crude based synthetics.

i also heard that if you go from regular oil to synthetic your not suppose to switch back because it can wreck the seals in the motor

Originally posted by Ford_Racing_Guy
i also heard that if you go from regular oil to synthetic your not suppose to switch back because it can wreck the seals in the motor

Simply not true.

According to the Mobil 1 tech line, Mobil 1 is based on the regular crude that comes from the ground but is processed altogether different.

Which makes Mobil1 altogether different from dino.

I've been using M1 for a year and I'll never use anything else. See, using synthetic oil is not something you can guage with physical facts like "My X runs better" or "I had leaks and now I don't". But, 100,000 miles down the road when you start having all kinds of engine internal problems and I don't, then you'll understand.

Some of you may want to check out

For how many miles, or until when, should you use Synthetic Oil for?

I have an 03' with a 1000 miles on it. When can I start using synthetic oils? I've heard that you shouldn't use synthetic oils until the motor is broken-in.

Thanks aldive. That's kind-of what I was thinking too-at least a couple of oil changes that is.

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