TACHOMETER | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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December 10, 1999
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96 XLT
anyone ever get a sticky tachometer before...my fuel gauge is broken already and now my tach is...i had some dashwork done on warranty after a break in and my cd player stolen and I wonder if they had anything to do with these guages dying...i stuck a paper clip through the odometer buttons hole and tried to knock the needle down but it wont go down..at first somtimes a bump would knock it down but for the last few days its staying at 2500RPM and moves a little when I accelerate...this is really annoying me...anyone have any ideas?...oh I also have some tires for sale if anyone wants some really nice tires BFG ATKOS...like new 30"

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a little early for me wanting tires, but what cha ask'n

I was looking for 33" and a lift, but options are still open if da prices is right.

300$ and if I gotta ship you gotta pay for the shipping, but 300 otherwise...too bad no one has anything to say about my tach

Sorry I'm going with the 33s

Sorry, no clue on the dash. I've looked at the back of them and they scare me :D

I guess I would start with a volt meter and check the wires or try to find a replacement gauge cluster.

bump for help on the sticky tach. same here.

My friends '79 El Camino and his old 83 Malibu both had sticky tachs, he wound up replacing the circut board on them. Might be an idea to scour the yards looking for a new one.

My tach normally doesn't operate. Just stays at 0 RPMs for the whole drive. Occasionally (like if there's a bump or if I punch the dashboard multiple times) it will wake up and actually work. I just deal with it, it doesn't concern me much.

I'll probably be replacing my guage cluster at some point in the future. Tach doesn't work, fuel guage is gone, engine temperature and oil pressure both stick, battery guage is just pissing me off, and the speedo is starting to lose it.

I have the same problem, but I just knock on the dash a couple of times and it jumps right up. I think that it gets stuck on the background (behind the needle) and then it can't move. Try some clear double sided tape and see if that works. I haven't gotten around to it but I'm gonna try that when I get a chance (I also told myself that about 2 months ago). If that doesn't work, I'm just gonna look for a '01 or newer Sport/Sport Trac gauge cluster(white) and use that.

Good Luck!

thanks all...yeah it looks like i might get a junked cluster...the fuel gauge also doesnt work at all..it stays at full all the time, i deal with this and go with mileage...but i am not sure if either gauges problem is in the dash or mabye respectively the bobber or one of the systems that preceeds the needle for the tach on the cluster...as of right now it has decided to work (for the most part) and so I am not annoyed...but when it stays up there at 2500 I get annoyed caue I rely on rpms a lot when I drive...thanks yall

The Fuel Guage and the Tachometer inputs both come in on the same connector.

It's probably not seated properly into the back of the guage panel. It's a pain to get to but I'm guessing that's your problem.


yeah...I have bigger fish to fry with my truck now anyways...so in the words of many great men...'f' it

ok....my clutch/master/slave is messed up I think cause I have trouble shifting...I want to do intake,headers, exhaust soon, i want to get rid of the turn signals underneath the front bumber, my cb and scanner are pains...this is the short list of things I need to work on...especially the problem with my clutch, its really really anoying...there is more, too much to list
