Taller Tires = Better MPG ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Taller Tires = Better MPG ?

What has going with taller tire done to yuor fuel milage?

I'm thinking of lifting 02 Sport about 1 1/2 inches to start with and using stock 16 inch wheels. As a side benefit getting taller tires that would look better, provide more ground clearance, but also less RPM in 5th gear on highway giving me better fuel mileage.

Has anyone noticed any difference in going to 31 or 32 inch tires? Would it be worth the time to raise it enough to clear 33 inches.

Just wondering what others have experienced? Also thinking if went with a lot larger tire but also changing to wider tire/wheel would hurt due to more friction/drag of wider tires.

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Depending on you're gearing, larger tires will actually make your MPG worse due to the greater rotational mass. Takes more juice to get it all moving.

It will make your hwy mileage better and city worse. If the tires are wider, mileage will be worse. If the new tires are heavier, it will also be worse...

in conclusion, it will only be better on hwy if you get tall skinny tires.

As these^ members said, changing tire size will change your mileage. Depending on what you change from and too. A taller tire size will increase (lower the number) your effective gear ratio. Usually an increased ratio will lower you rpm's and increase mileage. But a taller tire will usually increase the rotating mass and lower you mileage. Also a taller truck (i.e. lifted) will increase your wind drag, lowering you mileage.

effect for your tire mods?

It will make your hwy mileage better and city worse. If the tires are wider, mileage will be worse. If the new tires are heavier, it will also be worse...

in conclusion, it will only be better on hwy if you get tall skinny tires.

I have 2002 Sport same color as yours. Looks like when you went up in tire size you also went a little wider?

So what did it do to your mileage? How much worse?

Just wondering about RPM? I have a 5 speed and getting about 270 - 280 miles a tank of gas and driving about 60 -70 miles a day.

I am raising the rear 1 1/2 inches to get rid of sag and level it out. Jus would like bigger tires to fill wheel wells.

Well, I used to get about that much miles per tank out of the explorer. Now I probably get 250-270 miles for hwy (about 18.5 mpg) and if it is all city driving, it has been as low as 225 miles per tank (usually around 15 mpg). The tires I have are pretty heavy too, so if you just got some bigger AT's it probably wouldn't be as bad.

I also came stock with 255/70/R16's, which are around a 30" tire, and went to a 265/75/R16, which is close to a 32". I also have 4.10 gears.

I also came stock with 255/70/R16's, which are around a 30" tire, and went to a 265/75/R16, which is close to a 32". I also have 4.10 gears.

I had the same setup on my '99 Sport (4.10s, 265/75R16's 2" TT/Shackles + 2" BL) and I lost about 1-2 MPG.

I could normally get 18-20 on the highway and it went down to 17-18.5 with the tires/lift.

Will lowering save fuel?

So if I lower the front to match the back and keep same tires or get some lighter or maybe smaller tires could I possibly pick up some fuel milage?

I really don't like the rear sagging. YUK!

I was going to drop it when I first bought it cause I thought it was 2wd (before I looked at it). When I found out it was 4X4 I liked the idea of a little more ground clearance and a 4X4 should have truck tires with some height and tread to look down on the cars.

However what was it the Chevy Typhoon with 4X4 and the Buick GNX turbocharged motor. Maybe I could go that route.

With price of gas rising and being used to driving a sedan getting 26 -27 mpg, I am torn between my choices.

stock height, 31x10.5 on stock rims

I currently run (using gps to verify speed):
55mph @ 1500 rpms
60 mph @ 1900 rpms
63 mph @ 2000 rpms
65 mph @ 2100 rpms
70 mph @ 2300 rpms
75 mph @ 2400 rpms

I was running 235s which were maybe 29" tall. Running the taller tires dropped my highway rmps about 100 - 150 rmps depending but i have seen no change fuel mileage. i get about 18 mpg on the highway currently which is the same as before. I have seen a small decrease in street mpg though.

I have 33s, and I get 15 or less on the highway.
