tear the paint off?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tear the paint off??

I have a 99 ex sport
What color is it going to be if I tear the original white paint off?
If it's these brownish metal color, I feel like it will look really bad-ass!

I've never done any paint job before, is it hard to just tear the paint off?
And will there be any safety issues if I don't paint my car? Will it speed up the rust?

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You cant peal the paint off. Its chemically bonded to the steel.

yes bare metal will rust. Quickly.

Brownish metal is rust. Rust is not good. Rust is very very bad.


You cant peal the paint off. Its chemically bonded to the steel.

yes bare metal will rust. Quickly.

Brownish metal is rust. Rust is not good. Rust is very very bad.

what color is the bare metal? is it white/silverish?


You cant peal the paint off. Its chemically bonded to the steel.

yes bare metal will rust. Quickly.

Brownish metal is rust. Rust is not good. Rust is very very bad.

some paint is off on top of the vehicle, and i could see rust on a small area(like one finger), should I fix the rust? will it getting worse?

some paint is off on top of the vehicle, and i could see rust on a small area(like one finger), should I fix the rust? will it getting worse?

Yes it will get worse. Eventually pinholes will develop and you'll have a leaky roof.

Yes it will get worse. Eventually pinholes will develop and you'll have a leaky roof.

hmmm do you know how long is it going to take? like 2 years? i live in desert;)

bare metal is initially silver, eventually it rusts and becomes,,,,, well ummmmm rust colored.

Pin holes will take a long long time, but any and all bare metal should be covered.

Living in a desert is a benefit.

You could spray aircraft remover on the paint, or get some paint stripper and brush that on, and that will make the paint come off pretty good. It'll make a gooey mess you'll need to clean off with more chemicals to get to the bare metal, but with enough of the stuff, you could get quite a bit of the paint off, without sanding or scraping.
