temp guage wont work | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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temp guage wont work


April 28, 2005
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my temperature gauge is not working it just stays on cold doesnt move?how do i fix it please help :usa:

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Have you checked/replaced the thermostat? Make sure the temp sender is connected.

Is it the gauge that isn't working, or is the engine not warming up?

The water temp sensor is near the thermostat (above and behind some). There is a single wire there.. If you ground that wire (with the key on) the gauge should read full hot. If that doesn't happen then the gauge or the wire to the gauge (or from the sensor) is bad. If it does move when you ground the wire and your sure the motor is warming up the coolant temp sensor is bad then and needs to be replaced


coolant temp sensor i am replacing that sunday. how would i know if the engine is warming up?Im kinda new at this,also where is the temp sender is connected.
i found the plug it is conected

"how would i know if the engine is warming up?" -- 1st, if you turn the heater on, does it blow hot air, or cold/lukewarm air?

Just played with that today, my gauge stopped working on the way home, on mine it was just a loose connector, swapped engines last weekend, and had to work on getting it off.
If the heater blows hot after driving it a while, the engine's warming up, if not check water level, then the thermostat.


i could not turn it out what tool did you you to turn it out

i got it out and replaced it but it did not solve the problem could it be the thermostat? if so where is it located thanx in advance

It could be the thermostat, if the engine isn't warming up at all. Thermostat is located at the forward end of the intake manifold where the upper radiator hose attaches to the engine. When I replace my 4.0's thermostat, I like to remove the belt tensioner pulley (two bolts) to make more room to get at the thermostat housing bolts.

mine usually stays down on cold for a while then it will jump up into the normal range. i got a code for 116.. engine coolant temperature. i guess it's for a sensor. i havent replaced mine yet, but maybe this is the problem with yours too?
