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The 351 is in!!!!


Well-Known Member
October 12, 2002
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City, State
newaygo michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 sport
well temporily... i havent been workin on my x much at all because i have been way busy. i decided to get rollin on it again so i am workin on the motor mounts and got it in. let me say it looks awesome. i did relize that the headers are DEFF not going to fit, i have to relocate the oil filter, and the fuel pump. Besides that it looks BEAUTIFUL. i cant wait to get it running.

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ill try tomorrow nite. i cant find my digital camera, and if i dont find it tonite or tomorrow i will borrow a friends... stay tuned for pics, it looks so good with a 351 winsor up front.

What was the engine out of? I can't wait to see some pics.

it came out of a older ford pickup, the guy that had it before me put a edelbrock 650 carb, edelbrock aluminum intake, and a cam, it had headers but i they arent going to work, unless i shorten them. the guy i got it from wanted 350 for it, but i got it on trade for a leaf vac and old john dear tractor


That's gonna rock! Can't wait to see some pics.

i didnt get pictures yet. i will get them this weekend for sure, its like 11 45 and my friend wont get out of work for a while so once he does ill talk to him and we will get pics up soon. tonite i got the motor mounts finished, so the motor is bolted in. the tranny will be in tomorrow hopefully along with the transfer case. i still have to figure out how im going to get my heater to work with the winsor heads sticking back so far. The radiator might have some clearance issues. the main cross member across the front will probobly get trimmed out so i can put my radiator about 4 inches further up and lower. i think i will run electric fans, that is if the stock one wont fit. before i can drive it again i have to finish my straight axle. im putting a d30 up front temporarily until i find a d44. i have the d30 pretty much done just have some more fabing to do. I think the biggest problem will end up being the manifolds, or headers. at first i thought there was no way the headmen headers would fit, but i think if i shorten the tubing and space it from the block it should work. not space it but extend the tubes, do some custom cutin and welding. i dont know, i dont know if stock manifolds would even fit. there is virtually no room on the driver side because of the steering box. the stock fuel pump on the 351 didnt celar the steering box so i am goin to end up with an electric fuel pump. i origanally thought i could use a heater from an older ranger that didnt have air but i dont think that will clear. so i am going to build one out of steel and make it shorter, closer to thebody, and generally smaller to clear the valve cover. well thats all i can think of right now, but im sure i will have more to post tomorrow, and hopefully pics.

Dont post again without pics... or else. :shoot: ;)
I came all the way over here from another website for text?! :frustrate
Yes, I'm joking, but you do have us all drooling. This is almost as bad as awaiting Explorer Babe pics... maybe worse. ;) (which is sad really lol)

I am joining this thread to see the pics too.:)

sorry i havent been posting much, my uncle(real close to me) just died saturday the 13th. i have been really busy with funeral and such, so i havent worked on the truck much. i want to get some pics so i can here what you guys think of my progress. it should be on the road by jan 5th or 6th.

sorry for your loss:(

Sorry to hear about your uncle.

Your VERY optomistic thinking it will be on the road in 2 weeks.........

Being carb'd sure helps your cause, but I think you will find more stuff that takes more time to get it running....just from my experience :)

I did my 4.0L conversion in about 1 week total wrenching time till it was driving again, but then I spent the next year re-doing the wiring.

I have seen swaps done in weekends and I have seen them done in 2 years time.

I wish you luck and I cant wait to see pics, carb's are the "easy " way

I'm doing this swap SOON.. I have a 302 in it currently, so this swap is quick and easy.. just going to run all new gauge cluster.

I'm doing this swap SOON.. I have a 302 in it currently, so this swap is quick and easy.. just going to run all new gauge cluster.

O I see a 302 V8 Sport won't due. It has to be bigger right. That's ok I'm thinking about boosting my V8 sport some time. I want to be able to roast all 4 tires.

Yeah, this 302 is just alittle worn out.. the quick rebuild didnt help. Blew the trans AGAIN also. SO getting rid of the AODE/W, and that ****TY AWD tcase..

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