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the factory radio


Well-Known Member
January 24, 2000
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City, State
Cary, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'10 Escape Hybrid Limited
I'm installing a CD changer on my '92 explorer, but i can't get the factory radio out to hook up the power cords running from the changer. Anyone know how to get the radio out?

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You'll need to get the tools to remove the radio. They are U shaped with a notch on the end. They fit inside the holes on the side of the stereo. Try to locate them at an autoparts store. Tell them you need the tools to remove Ford factory radio's.

thanks for the help. i've been wondering about this for almost 3 weeks, but now i have an answer. appreciate the help.

1992 Explorer XLT
30" BFG AT tires
Pretty much stock

SAVE MONEY! Use clothes-hangers cut into U shaped like mentioned above. It'll save you some money.

i tried using the coat hangers, but they don't seem to work. have you used the coat hangers before? is there something special i need to know about using the coat hangers??

i finally got it installed by myself. i went out and bought the tool needed to take it out. the coat hanger idea didn't work. thanks for the help.

92 XLT 4dr 4x4
